My mom used to tell me not to eat after 8
but I can't seelp from staving all day.
So I go in the kitchen eat whatever I
can find. Now I feel like a fariler I'm

not eating today.  I stood up to fast
and fall right to the floor, why do
I take prices in passing out at ball games.

Count the calories that all I do
" how much would it take to
burn it off!?!  No more then 600
a day" it's never low enough 160....150.....140....130.....125....110

Don't wight more then 115,
everything needs to be thiner,
smiles,finner Maby I'll be loved
maby I won't be so annoyed.

I find myself always tired 😴
and staving....but ther something
about staving working myself to
deft that is just so satisfying.

It seems my mind just keep
thinking control keep thinking
if I just loes 10 pounds and would be good  


When I eat I don't test food
I taste cal the guilt of eating
even one bit harnts me.
I am so   fucking Tired of
feeling dizzy and tired Or
not letting myself eat what I
Want. Tired of looking up ways

to Make myself puke or diffen
  workouts I heat eating I hate
how it makes my chest huart
I hate how it makes me feel,
But I love skipping meals and
being so proud of

Myself for not eating.
Lying about what I have
ate what kind of foods I like
and don't like going crazy oven
the number on the scale.

Don't Eat......

Don't Eat......

Don't Eat .....

If you have a craving
just draw it out.

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