Part 5. In trouble

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"Oh shit...." You cuss.

"I knew you were here the whole time." Dustin says madly.

"Oh is that so?" You say looking down on him.

"Yeah, and I'm going to tell mom you were here." Dustin glares

You cringe at him.

You hear Eddie put down his pan and look over...

"We got us a little snitch don't we?" Eddie says as he looks over from the kitchen.

His uncle looks over at him.

"Eddie don't interfere." His uncle whispers.

You chuckle as you look back down at Dustin and cross your arms.

"Look Dustin, I'm not fucking 12 anymore, so you can go leave and yknow what? Tell mom I was here I don't give a shit, what's she going to say? Oh you can't be at your friends house?" You rant

You fidget with your hands as you wait for your bullshit response.

"No, she's going to be mad you lied." Dustin replys.

You chuckle sarcastically.

"Boohoo." You add.

"Look Dustin, if you came here to bug me because I'm hanging out with Eddie then fuck off." You say madly.

"Sure!? Is that what you want? Then I will, but remember your in deep shit." Dustin says as he leaves.

"What. A. Little. Shit" Eddie says with his arms crossed behind you.

He has an apron and oven mits on.

"Pfft, tell me about it." You add.

"Hm, maybe you should go home?" Eddie offers.

You look up at him concerned.

"Go home!? And get yelled at? I'll pass." You reject.

He licks his lips and thinks of something.

"Maybe you won't be in trouble? Maybe Dustin will?" Eddie says slowly.

"True." You add ad you step out of the trailer.

You look back up at Eddie from outside.

"Your driving me home." You say cockily.

"But y/n the eggs-" Eddie says.

"LETS GO." You interrupt.

You walk over to Eddie's van and get in.

He drives off to your house.

"Home sweet home." You say as you jump out of the car.

(Sorry this was a small chapter but I work at a camp and don't have much time to make these sorry 😭 I promise there will be a chapter 6, luv u guys!!!)

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