Chapter 8 . Confession.

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You get dropped off at Eddie's trailer.

Staring in bliss, you get knocked out of your trance by fingers snapping in your face.

"Y/n? How you feeling?" Chrissys soft voice asks.

"Uhm in fi-" You were cut off by Eddie.

Your eyes moved over to him he was standing st the door of his trailer.

He looked sad...

"Hey chrissy, why am I here?" You ask looking back over to her, moonlight shining on her face making it glisten.

"Oh well when I went to get The keys to your house, Eddie called, he told me to bring you here because he was worried ok?" She assures you.

"So don't be frightened." She says as she smiles at you.

You realize what you did, or more like who you did.

The pain and regret, you weren't even with Eddie but it made you feel so, gross to be doing such awful things with somebody else.

But, you shook that thought out of your mind, you looked over to the trailer door, Eddie was gone.

"Y/n?" He says at the car window.

You look over to him.

"Eddie I'm sorry~" You say looking at him with glossy eyes.

He looks confused.

"Your drunk Y/n we need to get you inside." He says opening the door and picking you up in his arms.

"Bye Y/n!" Chrissy shouts.

You look over to her with half lidded eyes.

"Bye chrissy..." You slur.

Your in Eddie's arms, as he carries you to the trailer.

He walks up the porch and opens the door sliding through to his bedroom, kicking the door closed with his foot.

He plops you onto the bed, bringing in a glass of water and a bucket.

"Eddie lay down.." You say.

"You want me to lay down with you baby?" He asks.

You look at his big glossy eyes, there so beautiful, he's so beautiful, Why the fuck did you do that with Steve!?

He lays beside you so that your staring into eachothers eyes.

"Eddie..." You say as a tear falls from your face.

His brows furrow.

"No Y/n don't cry..." He says sadly as he pushes your hair behind your ear.

"I.." You say softly as you sob.

"You can tell me it's ok...." Eddie looks at you, preparing for whatever you did, he loved you too much for it to affect him, it dident matter ... you were still perfect.

"Me and Steve, I'm sorry!" You say, your face now flooding with tears.

He pulls you into his chest.

"It doesn't matter, you were drunk ... go to bed now Y/n, I love you" He says putting his hands in your hair.

|Also its badly written so sorry.......

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