I Was Born To Run.

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Bucky's POV 

Avenging Angel. Where do I know that name from? Definitely not from the 1940's. HYDRA fucked up my memories so... wait. Hydra. That's where I know that name from. 

"Hey Steve? Can I... ask you a question?" I ask my bestie. Loki's been teaching me gen z terms.

"Yeah Fire away Buck." He replies.

"So there's been this name that's been floating around my head. Avenging Angel. Do you recognise it?" 

"Hmmm no sorry Buck. I could ask Tony, maybe he could hack hydra or something." Steve remarks.

"Alright thanks punk" I smirk.

"Don't call me that Buck!" He whines. It's fun annoying Stevie.

He stands up and walks off. "Mr Barnes, Fury requires you and the other Avengers to report to meeting room 12." FRIDAY's calm yet annoying voice says over the intercom things. I still don't understand this new tech. 

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