Through Fire And Flame

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Pyro's POV

I get back to base and give my superior the drive. Why did the traitor call me Aurora? Who's that? I'd ask, but questions aren't allowed. Neither is emotion, or weakness.  
"PYRO! This is the wrong drive, you need to go back and get the correct drive." Pierce yells. I internally cringe, why would they put agents to guard something so important? Shit.

I nod. "Shall I teleport there?"  I ask, not wanting to get punished. 
"Go. Oh wait, I heard that you hesitated to kill the traitor. Emotions, perhaps?" He taunts.

I shake my head, knowing what's going to happen, and hating it.

"Verlassen. Allein, Flamn, Spinne" 

(Abandoned, alone, flame, spider) 

"Bereit, sich daran zu halten." I monotonously say.

Bereit, sich daran zu halten= ready to comply.

I teleport back to the base and see the carnage I created. Wow. 

I run through the base and see a... steel door? Pffft lame!!! I can claw it open and I do just that. Inside, is a different story. A... blue cube? The... tessa... something. Loki used it to take over in New York in 2012. I think. I edge closer to it and hear.

"HEY! You're not supposed to be here! Get away from that!!" Ugh. Iron Idiot. 

"Oh fer fucks sake!"  I screech in frustration.

"Bruh, my goddamn jobs already tricky enough as is without you MORONS! Fucking it up!" I yell, frustrated.

"Oh and, your blue cube thing? Mine now."

The blue cube thing started glowing when I picked it up and daaaaamn, was it cool.

"Put. That. Down." A British sounding voice says.

"Bri'ish are we? Like, a bo'l o wo'ta?" I ask, cheekily. I scan the room, and shit. The drive's not here. 

Loki's POV
I am here, but for what reason it is unknown. I do wish to see the Tessaract though.

I teleport to the base where it is kept and see the chaos that was or is being rained down upon it. 
"What the norns happened here?" I whisper, seeing Thor and the other Midguardians staring in shock at a person holding the Tessaract.

"Put that down, midguardian." I command.

They turn around and smirk. 

"God Of Mischief, Eh? Jeez, thought you'd be all up for chaos and shit" They comment. 

They place a finger to their left ear and mutter something in German, I believe. Like Thor, I have all speak, or Omni-linguistics. 

They nod and a can of... petrol appears. Oh no

Tony's POV

We return back to the semi destroyed base and I have to say, I'm very annoyed by this whole situation, I was watching a movie with Bruce. I like him, a lot, but I'm terrible at saying this type of shit. 

Nat, Loki, Steve, Thor, Bucky and I were sent to get the drive and hide it someplace safe. Like at the compound or whatever, I wasn't paying attention. In my defence, I was trying to figure out what is so fun about Subway Surfers. Turns, out, EVERYTHING! I'm snapped out of my thoughts by... the smell of petrol. Everyone starts running out as Pyro tips it everywhere/

"Now you see why I'm called Pyro? If ya didn't guess, it's short for Pyromaniac!!!" She mutters, laughing a bit. Ok, that's scary.

She flies around pouring petrol everywhere except at a desk with a black phone on it. She stops, takes the phone and sets fire to the petrol. 

The explosion was huge. The building was now a shell, blackened and twisted. No injuries or deaths, any agents had already been transported. The culprit picked up a drive and was off in a flash. The cube lay, untouched by the flames and shockingly wasn't harmed.

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