Chapter Thirteen: Cooperate

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A/N: Kudos to PokesoulK2 for messaging me and giving me ideas for this chapter! Also warning for the use of Google Translate (which may not be 100% accurate). Enjoy~


You wake up (once again) in Attack on Titan, as a horse.

It seems Okamisan7 was nice enough to make it so you weren't hurting anymore, after being smacked by that creepy crawly titan in Chapter Eleven.

Huffing, you rolled to one side as best you could to find some footing (hoofing?) on your frontal legs. Once securely propped up, you did the same with your back ones. Then slowly, you rose up until you were finally standing.

You didn't fall over like a newborn giraffe this time. Score!

Then you shook the dirt off your (h/c) coat and mane. (What? It was starting to make you feel itchy! TOTALLY not you succumbing to animal instincts...).

Aside from the faint thudding of titan hordes in the distance, it was peaceful.

Looking around, you spotted Eren. He was standing at the edge of the cliff that the creepy crawly titan had slid off of.


Is he gonna jump?!


You immediately super-sped over with intent to snatch him away, but you did not stop in time. As a result, you ended up pushing him right off the edge!

As Eren was falling, he grabbed on to one of your front legs, causing you to lose balance and topple over too!

"AHHHHHHH!!!" You both screamed.

The end.


Before you both fell to certain death, another convenient cliff spawned out of nowhere- courtesy of a certain fanfic author (you can't die so soon- right after I gave you a second chance!).

This other cliff appeared close enough to brace your falling forms against each other and stop your downward descent.

You sighed in relief.

But now, the two of you were stuck and it was impossible to get out of this by yourself. So you called out to Okamisan7:

"Hey, hello! Okamisan7? Thanks for saving us. But can you help some more please? We're stuck!"

The clouds in the sky formed letters in response:

Sorry but no

"WHAT?! WHY NOT?!" You screech.

The sky suddenly darkened, and the clouds grew in tremendous size. You were able to see them form the word: PLOT, before a jump scare worthy thunder clapped occurred.

It was so powerful and loud that it hurt your ears and shook the earth! This also gave you a vivid flashback of what happened the last time you yelled at the author:


"... Understandable. Have a good day." You meep.

And with that, the sky cleared up and you were left to deal with a very scared, confused and traumatized Eren.

And you'd never guess what Eren did next.




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