Chapter 1

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"It's Lillie's turn!" Those words echoed through my head that day where I was told where I shall be the wife of the last vampire. Lots of girls we're given to the vampire but all of them escaped those women told evey single completion of him cold, eyes beaming red, a thirst for blood. As the car stopped as my family members looked me and hugged me for who knows the last time right after that they left as I looked at the thick forest, I was told that I'll just follow the path and my husband will take me away to his fortress.

As I was walking dragging my luggage behind me I heard the leaves move and right after that a figure was behind me I froze as the figure grabbed my waist I saw chocolate brown eyes staring back at me "Who are you?" He asked when he spoke I saw two pair of sharp fangs "I'm your wife" I spoke "It's the time of the year again" He looked shocked as I looked at my luggage it turned into a group of bats I instantly let go of it held onto him "Hold on tight" he instructed then black fog surrounded both of us then the next thing I knew we we're in his fortress but it looked more like a mansion he guided me in, still holding my waist I was scared but I was told not to fear him.

He held the back of my neck while we walked everything was dark only few candles we're lit and the windows gave way to the moonlight. Passed by a window I saw how the view was amazing I nearly broke from his touch "Don't worry you'll get to see more of it" He smirked he chuckled the chuckle made my spine tingle.

We entered a room it was well lit by the moonlight he placed my luggage in the corner, he then sat on the bed and gestured his finger to make me come closer of course I listened "Who might you be?" He stared at me "I'm  Lillie Aether you wife from this day on" I spoke "Alright then. My name's Ash I'm the last living vampire" Ash grabbed me by my waist and looked me dead in the eye. "You're beauty" he whispered "What about it?" I asked "It's enchanting~" he moved a bit closer "Am I taking anything personal?" He made his fingers walk along my back "Y-yes" I couldn't help but flinch "Well then that's good to know" he smiled and kissed me this kiss was heated I held on his shoulder while he wrapped another arm around my waist, when we pulled a part I was panting "Quite the interesting person you are Ms. Aether" he pinned me down on the bed "I'm no longer 'Ms. Aether' nor do I have any ties with my family I'm just your's Mr. Vampire" I leaned in for a kiss "That's good to know Mrs. Vampire" he kissed me back.

I woke up with sun in my eyes I was naked I kept the blanket near my chest and looked around my body was tainted with hickeys the door opened with Ash with a tray of food he used his magic to close the blinds "Good morning how did you sleep?" He kissed my cheek "It was great he placed the food tray on my lap "Can you feel your legs?" He asked "Nope" I replied he chuckled "Finish up fast so I can enjoy more of you" Ash said and closed the door.

When I finished my breakfast ash carried me to a large bathroom. We stayed in the tub to relax a bit longer I thought I'll get a normal bath but ash started getting frisky with me "Mind if I taste some more?" He said "B-but we did it last night!" I said but I got my answer when I felt something poke me "No buts dear" he grinned and we started going on from there.

I was already clean and I was exhausted "Why did have to do it to me!" I groaned in my head "Are you tired?" He laid beside me was mad at him so I looked the oder way "Come on now princess don't be like that" he scooted closer to me "Maybe I should really let you stay mad at me" he grinned with his fangs "Huh!? Why!" I looked at him "Because you look super cute with puffed up cheeks" he mimicked me "Mind if I go another round?" He tried to kiss me but I blocked it with the palm of my hand "No!" Was all I could answer he tried to talk but I blocked it with a no "Fine I best me explore the rest of the estate" he sighed "Wait! I want to go!" I held his vest he gave me a smile "Sure find something to wear and wait for me near the stairs" he instructed me.

I was waiting near the stairs, my legs we're all healed now. "Let's go" he carefully pulled me up. He was wearing a black poncho with a hat on and some sunglasses with gloves and had shotgun on his shoulder. "You shouldn't really wear dark things it captures heat so you'll be roasted alive!" I fixed his sunglasses "Well the you best be helping me with my fashion sense" he kissed my hand, we we're leaving the estate and I asked him about his shotgun "What are you going to do  with the shot gun?" I asked "Hunting" was his reply. We went into the woods he kept me near him I was finding lots of things there I would take note of everything on my notepad while he fired everything that could move well except for me of course.

Ash brought a wagon with him to put everything he caught in  he made sure to put a cloth as well I yawned he noticed that "Let's go. I'm going to shadow travel" he held out his hand "What about the cart?" I asked "Don't worry" he held me and poof were in the room he gave me some loose pj's to change to closed the blinds and closed the curtains "Sleep now you'll need it for tonight" he kissed me "All right" I kissed his cheek "Love you" I said he looked surprised by what I said but he just smile does fangs of his made me want to melt "Love you too" then he left and right after that I was sleeping.

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