chapter 3

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It was 11'oclock I was walking the path to my husbands fortress even though it was just recently I still got a bit of nostalgia walking down this path. I was told every single time I was going to pass by the entrance of this forest I was told always wear black to cut off the angelic sent, I was different from all my other cousin's I was destined to be his wife all because he was always spotted when I was around almost like I had a sent that he can't resist following, so to cut off the sent I always wore black whenever I pass by the forest but now I'm free to wear whatever I want.

I senses something behind me so I stopped, it was none other than ash "Good evening Mr. Vampire" I let go of my luggage he didn't respond but he carefully moved my hair revealing my neck he then started leaving hickeys I started to moan "Shouldn't we be doing this at home?" I panted he held the luggage and we shadowed travel, when I opened my eyes we were in the master bedroom "Let's have some fun" he he took of his tie "Oh but isn't still Sunday? I'm yours when it's Monday Mr. Vampire" I sat on the edge of the bed, he took the clock from the night stand and showed me it's 12 midnight "Hello there Princess" he smirked "Oh shit" I thought, he pinned me down on the bed "C-can't we do this tomorrow!?" I tried reasoning with him "Oh? But it's already monday princess" he undid his belt and you know what happens next.

I woke up around noon ash stills with me sleeping he looks cute when he's all peaceful like this how could I ever? I sighed and fell asleep again brunch can wait.

While we were in the car, it was the same mourning atmosphere as it was like back then. All of them wore black while wore white. I didn't really quite care what everyone felt.

We got out of the car the guys got out my luggage. "Say Lillie why don't you kill him?" Mother said I flinched I felt anger boil up within me "Why would you I kill him mother?" I looked at her "To end this horrible tradition once and for all" Mother giggled in delight of the idea, "I'll think about it" I said "Oh why would you think about it, don't you want future generations of Aether's to suffer the same thing you're suffering right now?" Grandmother flora asked "R-right" I looked at the path a head of me.

It was noon and by the time I got to eat food. I had this question to ask him for a long time "Can I ask you question?" I asked "Sure anything for you" he smiled "How did this tradition start?" I asked his face turned blank "Well you see it all started from your ancestor Willow Aether a lovely girl. Blonde hair emerald eyes and your the spitting image of her. We fell in love but sometimes things didn't work out all that much. So as a sorry gift they gave me there other family members who look just like her" He explained "So I'm just a replacement?" I thought "But you. You are incredibly different from Willow. You're different from all the others" he caressed my cheek "Your different" that triggered something in me.

A younger Lillie was pushed on the ground by some kids her age. "Hey don't touch her or you'll get infected by her phobia" a girl snickered "Oh? Your gonna cry? Haha cry all you want cry baby!" A boy laughed "Mother, brother help me" a younger Lillie prayed one of the boys was about to kick her "Anybody help me" younger Lillie prayed. Right before the kid could kick her he stumbled back he had a face of terror he ran away screaming for his mummy and daddy the other bullies looked at the direction of where the kid looked at then one by one every single one of them screamed and ran away. Which left Lillie alone she looked behind her "Thank you for helping me" Lillie smiled "You're welcome" and that was when the figure pulled a daisy and reached out to let Lillie get it "Lillie!" A younger Gladion yelled then the figure disappeared leaving the daisy to fall.

"So mind explaining to me about something?" I looked at him "And what would that be?" He smiled "Why is my favorite shirt is stained?" I looked at him dead in the eye "I missed you" he kissed me and disappeared.

"It felt much more lively here than my own home. And I  don't mind it at all" I smiled and went to my garden to see what ash had done while I was away

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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