Chapter 15: Fire and War Cries

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Saying goodbye is one of the hardest things anyone who loves someone dearly can do. It takes something from you, it makes you feel things you have never experienced before. So here I was again, standing over the dead body of someone who was so special to me: Ivory kom Trikru, my second.

It was just me and her, by a great lake surrounded by many great trees. The only sound to the ear was the soft rustling of the leaves and the smooth rocking of currents from the lake. Everyone had said their goodbyes to Ivory, and had now left me on my own to send her to her resting place, and to say one final goodbye.

I gazed down at my best friend, she looked so peaceful now, lying there clad in a white blanket with colourful summer flowers and various parting objects surrounding her. Myself and others had built a wooden raft to lay her to rest on and everyone had contributed some objects or flowers. I knelt down on the dry forest floor and continued to add flowers to her hair and used a wet cloth dosed in lake water to wipe away the dirt and blood from her face. The absence of the dirt and blood revealed her pale face, with features still as perfect as one of beauty.

Gently, I reached under the blanket and took her arms to rest on top of the blanket. The grime and blood slowly faded from her hands as I softly cleaned them and then I took one of her hands in mine. They were cold, but not the kind of coldness you feel when it's winter. This coldness was dead.

"Hey Ivory," I squeezed her hand gently, the answerless silence violently distant. "I didn't want it to end like this. I thought that maybe we would make it out of this alive. That we would go back to Polis together." I took a deep breath to try and steady my words. "But I knew it was naïve of me to think that. Happy endings are rare in this world, and war is full of sacrifice." I paused for a second as a very old memory replayed itself in my head. "Meeting you on that day when we were little was probably the best day of my life. I had stormed out of training after an argument with Titus and just happened to stumble upon your tent." I chuckled at the memory of my grumpy 7 year old self. "Then you came out and asked why I was so grumpy and that was the start of us and also the start of the pranks much to the city's delight." The silence was painful, her joyful laughter and sarky comments was meant to follow my words and put a smile on my face, but instead tears ran down in warm rivers. The salty taste lingered on my lips until I took another shaky deep breath before reaching for her sword that was resting on the ground by my side. The blade sat comfortably in my hand, a craftsmanship of perfect balance. Gently, I laid the blade to rest on her stomach with her hands covering the hilt.

"I'm really going to miss you, Ivory." I rose back to my full height, my eyes still looking over my second, now in her parting form. I stood there for a while until I finally began to push the raft off the soil and into the welcoming currents of the lake. The water began to drift her away, further away from this life into the next and once she was far enough away, I lit an arrow tip and rested it on my bow string.

My bow began to creak as it reached full draw, and the warmth of the fire brushed my hand. "May the next life bring you peace, my old friend." The arrow whistled through the air until it wedged itself into the wood that carried my friend, and urged the flames to soon dance around her and carry her to the many people I had lost.

I watched the currents drift her away until she was but a little light amongst the now grey blanket of the evening as the stars began to shine now that the strong vale of sunlight ceased and I was alone standing by the lakeside, letting the wind weave through my hair.

"Heda." A hesitant voice ruptured the delicate silence.

The voice slightly startled me as I took in a sharp breath. A figure now stood beside me and the short bright blonde hair was unmistakably OIiver.

"I hope I'm not intruding," The man was still hesitant of whether his presence of himself was intruding on my space, but it wasn't. In fact it was rather comforting.

"It's quite alright, Oliver. You are not intruding."

Oliver's glance followed my locked eyes onto the spec of orange on the horizon. "It's my fault she's gone, Commander. I was backup and I failed. I should-."

"It's not your fault, Oliver." I broke the man's words, still not taking my eyes off the orange dot that was barely visible now. "There's no use trying to put the blame on anyone, we have a war to win. People die and there's not always something we can do about it. Glaive won't fall if we don't stick together. Family is everything. Ivory taught me that."

The horizon now bore no orange and I could see out the corner of my eye Oilver nodding and swallow hard as he too, watched the last journey of Ivory kom Trikru.


A few hours had now passed since mine and Oliver's moment by the lake and I was now sitting alone on a rather large rock sharpening my sword. I was in this particular spot because I needed to gather my army before I sent them into war tomorrow. I needed to prepare them for a war like this had not found itself this footing since Annika's reign.

I heard multiple footsteps brush the forest floor and whispers float about as the crowd gathered. Soon silence fell and I ceased the sound of sharpening iron. I rested my blade on my lap and gave a deep sigh while I looked long and hard at my blade I knew all too well, thinking.

I stood up and balanced myself on top the hard stone and turned to face the many faces of my army. All these men and women were willing to die as soon as I sent the command. Guilt started to seep into my bones as I thought of all their families that might lose someone they love. But I suppose that's why my warriors are with me, to protect their families. Even if it meant that they gave their life so their son or daughter could grow up in a safer world.

I took a deep breath before I spoke, "My warriors, we have not seen a war of this great significance for many years. But I know for a fact that every single one of you before me is ready. What we face tomorrow is what we have been training for. Yes, we didn't want it, but it's here and the only way we are going to rid of it is to strike them in the heart!!!"

A roar erupted from the crowd, axes bashed against shields and fists punched the air.

My teeth bared as my voiced grew louder. "We will avenge a brother, sister, husband, wife, son and daughter's life tomorrow! We will go into battle with proud hearts! Kill any Rebel that we set eyes upon and wear their blood as trophies!" More roars erupted. "Together we will wipe them into extinction!"

I glanced down at my remaining friends who all looked up at me with fierce smiles and loyalty as they joined in with the shouts.

I unsheathed my sword, "FOR THE TWELVE CLANS!" I pumped my sword into the air.

"FOR THE TWELVE CLANS!" My warriors all yelled in union, raising their weapons in the air. It shook the forest and the air around me and the trees creaked as if to say they were with me and moonlight shined against our blades.



Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed this short chapter! 👋
I'm sorry it's been a while, but I really had to plan how this story is going to end and I'll admit, I experienced writer's block🙅‍♀️

But it's the final stretch and I want to thank every single one of my loyal readers! ❤️


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