A Massive Thank You

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You have reached the end of Y/N's journey.

Yes, I'm crying.

I tried to write the last bit of chapter 18 with as much emotion as possible and I think I achieved that as I was bawling my eyes out!

You're finally with Cree again!

I'll link a sad song to get you really in the feels!

I just want to thank all of my readers for giving my book a go, even if you didn't get to the end. I thank you for every vote and every comment. Some of the comments you leave make me laugh and your kind words have touched my heart. I really didn't think my books would do this well as I based it of the concept of the life of a Nightblood in the world of the grounders without any of the main characters from the show. I just found this part of the show so interesting and decided to elaborate on it more in the form of my story. And I am so glad I did as I have loved writing these books and seeing you guys find enjoyment from my work is the best feeling in the world.

It's been great and I thank you all again.

Now, would you guys like a little spin off book about Lexa's conclave and ascension? It would be based of the events and characters in my books and if you guys want it I'll totally do it!

I really hoped you found enjoyment putting yourself in the mindset of a Commander in the world of the 100. I certainly did as I feel that the lore of the Commander's was something that was overlooked in the show so I brought it to life here! And after some research and creating my own stuff, here you go!

Anyway, I'll shut up now!

Thank you again!!!

Mochof :)

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