❥ 11.

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I went out of the arena and was in the parking lot, I searched for our car and found it a after a few looks. My dad was already in the car and looked at his cell phone.
Shit he will definitely ask me where I was for so long.

"Where were you sweetheart ?" Told you.

If I tell him that his absolute favorite boxer is an absolute asshole, he will lose all the joy of boxing and I don't want to take it away from him. So I have to lie.

"Oh, I just met Isabelle at the exit, apparently she also watched the fight."

"Really ? I didn't even knew that Isabelle is also a box fan." Neither do I...

"Maybe we can take her with us to the next fight."

Wait, what did he say ? There's more ?

"Wait there is another fight?" I say shocked.

"Of course, didn't you listen to the moderator?"

Nope, was busy keeping my eardrum alive.

"That was the first fight of the season. A season goes on for a whole year and sometimes has 3 fights even four, it depends on whether the boxers fight for the title. Sometimes it has something to do with the money." He explained

"That means I have to go to the other two fights? I asked in shock.

"It will be a lot of fun for you honey, I saw how much fun you had today. The next fight will be in August, so the boxers now have almost 4 months to prepare for the next fight. I really have to teach you more about boxing."

Yeah, no thanks..

"Okay we have almost 10 pm, your mother will definitely wonder where we are." He said kinda nervous

"I thought you had an excuse." I said a little feared.

"Well I told her we are going bowling." He said shrugging his neck.

"Bowling ? Seriously dad, we have never been bowling."

"And that's exactly why she will believe us. But I don't really care if your mother yells at me, I had the greatest fun with my daughter for a long time and hopefully I could make her a little happy, and if I managed to do that, it is completely worth to me"

I smiled to myself. He was right, even this Myles is a total asshole, it was good to go out after such a long time and to go somewhere else except to the hospital.


I'm sitting on my bed in my room, bouncing my knee up and down and only hear my parents discuss below. My mother knew that we didn't went bowling, she said that 3 hours were far too long for bowling and she saw the tickets, well found more; she searched my father's jacket and then found the box fight tickets. My father said I should go upstairs, I don't have to listen to it, but I feel bad, he just wanted that I have fun and my mother sees it as a threat.

"SHE IS NOT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLS HER AGE !!!" my mother screamed through the whole house. My door was closed but I could hear her as if she was next to me, hell I think even the whole neighborhood heard her. 

I couldn't hear that anymore and I didn't want to do that any longer to my dad, so I went down. My parents stood opposite each other in the living room, that is connected to the front door. Both of them looked at me in silent, until my mother decided to took a few steps towards me.

"I know I'm not like the other girls my age." I said with a straight face.

"Do you want to lose your life ? Would you like to die with 18 years old ? Do you want to leave me and your father alone ? If yes then this is what will happen if you try to be like the other girls your age." She said with a furious face, as she steps closer to me.

"I know that I am not like the others, I know that I am sick, I know that I will die earlier than you, I know that I will never live the life that Isabelle lives or other people my age. I know everything, mom. I try to be happy every day with the little things I have at home, be it the pictures of Hawaii that I print out or paint or all the sheets that I fully write with my thoughts every day. Still, I'll never be as happy as I was a long time ago. I'm sick yes, but I'm not weak, you can't forbid me the whole world, you can't lock me up at home every day in the hope that I will be better, because it won't. But you can give me freedom, you can trust me, you can give me more love than anger."

"I do all of that, because I love you so much." She said with teary eyes.

"You don't show me like that, that you love me especially if you ask me if I want to leave you and dad alone." I started to cry slowly, because of her words that hurt me so much.

"This is the last thing I want, to leave you and dad, how can you just say something like that, I-

I couldn't finish my sentence, I feel that my heart is beating faster and my air has been removed from my lungs. I couldn't stand on my legs for a second longer and fell to the floor, I only noticed how my parents looked at me with frightened eyes and only heard my mother speaking into the phone.

After that, everything went black.


"Madellaine Wilson Congratulations you are no longer sick. You won the fight, your heart is completely healed and you are now able to continue living your life normally. You are allowed to go home and live your life to the fullest. No visits to the hospital, no operations, no blood, no scars, no pain. You are now also able to have children. That was not possible in the beginning, because it would damage your body and the child would probably be born disabled, but not anymore, I congratulate you."

"Did you hear that sweetie, you are healed.
You can go home."

You are healed

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