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"Yes, come one, another punch. And now from the right, YES, and the left. COME ON !!! Aaaaandd... YEEESSSSS, WOHOOOO HE WON MADELLAINE, HE WON !!!" My dad screamed trough the whole house, bringing his attention to me and grabbing me by my shoulders to shake me.

"Ricky Tyson is such a good boxer." He said.

"I don't get this stuff." I answered.

"You don't get what ?" My dad asked while he stuffed his mouth with popcorn.

"Why do people let themselves be beaten voluntarily and get so much money for it ? Did you see how much he gets for a fight ?" I said in disbelief.

My father shook his head.

"$30.000 can you believe that? And only for hitting other people."

"I thought you didn't like boxing, so how do you know that about him ?" He said surprised.

"I thought I would do some research to find out what you think is so great about it."

"Listen Madellaine, I don't like it either that they hurt themself so much and get so much money for it. But boxing is a very good way for people to let their frustration and anger out. You can hit as hard as you want and every hit makes you feel better, and nobody says anything because everyone knows that you go in there freely.
Whether you lose or not is entirely up to you. You can land on the ground and stay there and give up, or you get up and show everyone how strong you are."

I love my dad, no matter what he says it always has a much deeper meaning behind it and i love that so much about him.

"Thanks dad" he swings his arm over my shoulder and pulls me towards him as we sit on the couch. There is a brief silence until he jumps up and shouts again.

"OH MY GOD Myles Collane Madellaine, he is the best boxer in Seattle !!!"

I get up quickly because I can't take all this screaming and jumping around again.
"Look Mady- " He was about to show me this Collane guy, but I was already gone.

"Bye dad" I said as I walked up the stairs to tidy up my room.

This is also really necessary.


When I grow up I want to be healthy again, I don't want to stay in the hospital any longer, it's boring, the food sucks and I'm always in pain.

Nurses come in every day to take my blood, and these needles really hurt. The other day I had to breathe on such a device for a long time so that the mucus, which has recently been in my throat, dissolves. It's really torture. 

And mom is exaggerating again. I just went outside to catch some air because this room is starting to make me claustrophobic. In any case, it was really only five minutes and she freaked out and told the nurses to make sure I didn't go out alone. 

I just hope she will change at some point. 

Oh forgot to mention a new boy came into my station a few days ago, he had a black eye and had a lot of scars and bruises all over his body. I wonder what happened, anyway I saw him in the dining room and he was sitting alone. I felt so sorry for him because everyone else was sitting together and he, like me, didn't had anyone. For this reason I went to him and sat down with him. 

At first he was very reserved and didn't want to talk to me, but after a while we got talking.

We talked a lot, about all sorts of things. We have seen each other every day since that day, my mom had no problem with that either, she just said that we should stay in the room. 

We really had a lot of fun and learned a lot from each other. His name was Myle, by the way. He said it was his nickname and he didn't want to reveal his real name so I didn't told him my name either. I told him my name was Mady and since then he has called us the M's because we both start with the letter M. I think it's really cute. 

Since Myle has been here, I've been really happy. He has been here for 2 weeks for his arm, he broke it and later his leg which means he had to stay longer. I really have no problem with that. I like that he's with me, he makes the time in the hospital much more bearable.

- Mady <3

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