❥ 52.

38 3 2

New milestone

I'm finally home. My room feels different, quieter. Myles sits beside me on the bed, saying something, but I can barely hear him. My mind is stuck on the small device in my bag, the nasal cannula. I hate the thought of wearing it.

I stand up and walk over to the mirror. My fingers fumble in the bag, pulling it out slowly. The reflection staring back at me feels foreign. I take a deep breath, my chest tightening—not from pain, but from dread. The tubes feel cold in my hands, unnatural, like it doesn't belong here with me, in this moment.

Myles keeps talking, his voice soft, but all I can focus on is how ugly I'll look with this thing attached to me. I run my fingers over its surface, my heart sinking. How am I supposed to be myself when I can't even look at my own reflection without cringing?

I stare at my reflection, frozen, the device still in my hands. Myles' voice fades, and then suddenly, I feel him behind me. His presence is calm, steady, like he always is. I see his reflection in the mirror as he steps closer, his eyes soft and understanding. Without a word, he reaches for it in my hands.

For a second, I want to pull away, to hide, but his touch is so gentle. He takes the nasal prongs and carefully places them over my nose. I watch in the mirror as his fingers tuck the tubes behind my ears, his movements slow, almost tender, like it's the most natural thing in the world.

"There," he whispers, his voice low but filled with warmth. His hands linger on my shoulders for a moment, and I feel his breath close to my ear. "It's not so bad, right?"

"It looks horrible. I look horrible." I replied, unable to look at this sick, ugly girl.

"Don't say that. It's for your own good, that makes it beautiful baby. Remember the doctor said it's only for a few weeks."

I look at us in the mirror—me, with this thing I hate so much, and him, standing so close, like it doesn't matter at all. For the first time, I don't feel ugly. Myles meets my eyes in the reflection, a small smile on his lips. He doesn't say anything more, but he doesn't need to. His quiet acceptance speaks louder than any words could.

Myles' hands still rest on my shoulders as we look at each other in the mirror, but then I break the silence.

"You know, I'm still coming to your fight," I say, my voice more certain than I feel.

He sighs, his grip tightening just a little. "Madellaine, we talked about this. It's going to be loud, crowded... not exactly the best place for you right now."

I turn around to face him. "I don't care, Myles. This is the biggest fight of your life. How could I not be there?"

His expression softens, but there's still a hint of worry in his eyes. "Your parents don't want you there. They're right, you know. It's not safe, with all the noise, the excitement. You need to rest."

"I've rested enough," I argue. "I've been cooped up in a hospital bed while you've been training for this. I want to see you fight, Myles. I need to be there for you."

He shakes his head, stepping closer. "Baby, I want you to be there too, more than anything. But I can't focus if I'm worrying about you the whole time. I need to know you're okay, not sitting in the crowd, stressed out and—"

"I'll be fine!" I cut him off, my voice firmer now. "You think I can't handle it? I'm stronger than you think."

He frowns, not out of frustration, but out of concern. "It's not about strength, flower. I just don't want anything to happen to you."

I take his hand in mine, squeezing it gently. "Nothing's going to happen. I'll sit in the back if I have to, away from the noise. But I want to be there for you, just like you've been here for me. I need this, Myles."

He looks down at our hands, then back up at me, his expression softening again. "I don't want you to miss it either. But if you come... you have to promise me you'll be careful. If you feel the slightest bit off, you tell me or Ethan. He'll be by ur side the entire time. No arguments."

I smile, relief flooding through me. "Deal. But I'm not going anywhere."

Myles shakes his head with a small, defeated smile. "You're impossible, you know that?"

"Yeah," I grin. "But that's why you love me."

"Damn right I do." He says and kisses me and walks off.

God I really love him.

Might as well say that to him already...

Shut the fuck up. I'm trying.

Not hard enough.

For gods sake.

Yesss I now it's short again.
Sue me if u can.


u guys are incredible. I am so so so happy. I can't describe how much this means to me.

Thank u again loves <333

I 🤍 U

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