Chapter 13: Seeking Truth

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Copyright © 2017, Nikki B. Lourie if you are reading this work on any other domain than Wattpad, it has been plagiarized.

As forceful as an industrial-sized fan, a faint humming gradually grew in crescendo as a bright white light pierced the frozen forest, opening a portal from the mortal world. The squadron of fluttering wings spiraled through the portal and flew in the darkness. Glacial air caused their light wings to feel heavy, yet they continued onward in their pursuit of their mistress' wand. Luckily, Priscilla had aided them in this endeavor by granting them some of her energy in order to find the wand, or they would be trapped searching the forbidden forests for quite some time. Crickets chirped in warning, receding into hiding as sparks of violent green lights streaked in their direction. Squawks traveled from the front to the back of their aerial formation.

"Keep the battalion steady. We must make it to the wand!" the leader, a magnificent grey turtle dove, cried loud enough for everyone to hear.  His blue tuft of feathers on the crown of his head began to radiate light illuminating a direct path to Priscilla's wand.  He could tell from the light's trajectory where it would come to an end: the palace.

Squawks of distress zipped by into the darkness as several birds were struck by the ice touch. Their flying bodies fell to the lush moss encased in ice. "Keep going, follow the beacon! Stay in the light! I'll stay behind to hold them off."

"But we can't make it without you!"

"Once you touch the wand, you will return to the grand fairy. God speed."

The light sliced apart the darkness and the remaining squadron zipped through the rest of the forest and into the frozen palace. Familiarity brought them to their awaited destination, startling Genevieve away from her cauldron. "Attack!"

Like crazed animals, the flock surrounded her. Beaks painfully pecked at her arms, cutting into the tender flesh on her hands in an effort to cause her to drop the wand clutched by her fingers. Attempting to get her wits about her, Genevieve wildly flailed her arms around her. Pain stung her cheeks, thick crimson trickling from the cuts on her face. With a scream of fury, she spun about manically, waving the wand and firing at any and everything.

Her cauldron shattered apart, the contents spilling on the black ground causing her to slip. Twisting her ankle, Genevieve grabbed ahold of her stool to steady her descent, but the flock only increased its efforts to destabilize her. A guttural cry of frustration ripped from her lips, her face taking more abuse than she had ever experienced in her life. "You nitwits, where are you?" she cried out for her helpers.

Appearing from the walls, snakes slithered towards her, throwing themselves at the attacking fleet. Beaks tore at scales and fangs pierced taut flesh as birds and snakes alike fell in the mele. "Remember our mission!"

Flapping in unison, they created a powerful gust of wind that successfully knocked the dark witch off of her feet. The wand flew into the air with Genevieve grappling to reclaim possession of it. "It's mine!" A white dove cried in hot pursuit.

"Get me my wand!" Genevieve ordered, watching in horror as the wand was caught by the dove. Luckily, her minion trapped the dove with its fangs, but not before a small portal opened, swallowing them both.

"No!" echoed into the closing portal.

"No!" Priscilla cried, receiving the injured dove.

With one swipe, Faeona rendered the serpent asunder. Its lithe body disintegrated leaving the fatally wounded dove behind. "My lady, your wand," the dove reported with pride before its white head fell to the side and it breathed its last.

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