Chapter 15: The Original Sin

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Copyright © 2017, Nikki B. Lourie if you are reading this work on any other domain than Wattpad, it has been plagiarized.

The palace was a buzz with energy. In the great hall, the king and queen stood before Prince Charming's bassinet affectionately loving on their son as he sat up nibbling on his fingers. Bright sunlight flowed through the stained glasses, colorfully illuminating the interior of the palace. The black and white tiles shined brightly, reflecting the beautiful ethereal guests all awaiting the commencement of the ceremony. "Calm down, my dear."

The queen huffed, lifting Prince from his bassinet to squeeze tightly. "This is an important day. I want it all to be perfect," she reasoned. Soft music wafted throughout the palace and into the courtyard. People mingled, enjoying the hors d'oeuvres offered while the queen continued to fret.

"It is," the king agreed. "This betrothal ceremony will be remembered throughout our kingdom for eons to come."

The queen smiled feeling somewhat relaxed. She wondered if the bride's party would enjoy the celebration. She had researched customs and foods from the Far Far Away kingdom and had tried her best to incorporate them into this ceremony. Rich earth tones were intertwined with their family crest as a symbol of the children's promised nuptials. Heavy drums rhythmically beat in tune with the airy wind instruments. A plethora of sweet fruits, savory vegetables, and rich nuts was presented on various platters for their consumption.

She wondered if she could have done more. Perhaps, she could have written a beautiful poem in their mother tongue or created a song from their folklore. "My queen, you're doing it again," the king said with a knowing smile.

"Oh, it just has to be perfect. I want them to know that we will love and accept their little one with all of our hearts. We—"

"My love, they will acknowledge your effort and know where your heart lies," he reassured her.

Prince Charming squealed with glee as the wind fluttered the grand doors open to the great hall. "They're here," she sighed anxiously, wiping the back of her hand across her dark brows.

The sound of light bells softly jingled, the octaves were an intertwining melody of high and low notes. The beat of the drums changed, more proud and firm, syncing with the procession's march of arrival. Beautiful, young women decked out in crimson red garb slowly yet gracefully proceeded, step by individual step, their bells chiming as the hard, cool marble beneath their bare feet was transformed into thick, rich soil which sprouted colorful flowers. Their exposed midriffs slithered sultrily, their firm brown arms lifting gracefully into the air as their knees softly bent and their backs arched.

The king and queen watched the procession in awe and wonder, smiles decorating their faces as the queen-mother entered in the middle of the procession cradling their sleeping princess, warmly bundled in a soft blanket. Upon her head sat a crown of bronze and brass, beautiful, colorful gems shining as if reflecting the light of the sun. Her walk was authoritative yet alluring. Her dark eyes lifted from the earth-like carpet created by their energy as she vigilantly assessed their surroundings. Her ochre complexion absorbed the rays of the sun now eagerly pressing through the windows of the palace to welcome them. The entrancing music continued only ceasing when the procession stopped at the foot of the throne.

The dancers bowed, their bronze and gold headwraps holding position on their lowered heads. They stood, their hands clasped before them, elbows bent at a ninety-degree angle, and eyes directed to their feet awaiting their queen to speak. "Blessings be upon you," the queen-mother greeted.

"Your Highness, it is an honor," the queen replied with a blush.

"I pray the journey was not too harsh on you and the little one," the king said, offering a smile.

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