young sight

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                            - chapter 2 -

sadies pov:
today was the day my brother was going to hogwarts. my mother woke me up first to apologize to me it was a genuine apology and she insisted that she was just tired and over whelmed about everything happening. It was a very quick apology because we did need to get going.

my brothers needed to get a few more things they needed before school started at diagon alley. we hurried over there and got there quick enough to get everything and get to the train.

my family was a pretty big one or so I thought when I saw another group of gingers the weasels I heard someone call them. and they're family had a boy and girl who looked around my age I guess I had stared for to long because the girl waved at me, I waved back and was gonna mouth something to them till my eldest brother caleb, tapped my arm.

I turned around and soon enough he picked me up and gave me a quick peck on the cheek saying his goodbyes to me as he was also going to hogwarts, it was his third year. 

soon enough you could hear the train meaning it was indeed time for them to go, spencer was about to get in but I quickly side hugged him and said,

"I'm going to miss you"

he smiled and patted my head

you could tell he felt guilty about last night but it was no big deal
my mother started walking towards a lady around her age and she had children too, 3 boys. one of them who were also going onto the train the moms quickly greeted eachother before saying goodbye to there sons.

just like that they were gone.

my mom and the other lady chatted for a little and Mitchell started talking to the older boy of the two. and the younger one walked over to his mom I couldn't hear what they were saying.

the boys pov:

I was watching my brother leave for his first year at Hogwarts till I saw my mom walk over to her friend, great we were gonna be here a while. they had 4 kids, 2 had left and there was one my brothers age and a girl who looked my age, she was staring into space and has really long orangey hair. i was bored so I just walked over to my mom to tell her I was.

"mommy I'm boredddd" she turned to me and said

"why don't you go talk to sadie, loris little girl, she's your age" my mom stated

I looked at her and whispered
"but she's a girl"
my mom rolled her eyes and continued her to talk to that girl
I walked over to the girl and introduced myself  "I'm finn" I said quietly

"I'm sadie"  she smiled

there was a quick pause of silence which caused it to be awkward but I tried starting a convo

"hey you like quidditch?" I asked her

she nodded

"check these out" I said as I pulled out my collectible cards with famous wizards who played quidditch

"woah you have the really good ones" she said intrigued she opened her mouth to continue talking, "my dream is to go to the quidditch World Cup" she said

"mine too! my mom swears she'll take us soon I doubt it though" I stated

I was having so much more fun then I thought I would have, then my stupid mom said it was time to go, we said our goodbyes and left.


hey guys so this was just a little inside on like how they met, and yeah!! there parents are friends and they talk for a couple minutes every year as there siblings go to hogwarts, the next chapter is gonna be a time skip of 8 years!! no longer 1983 and is 1991! they year they both go to hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry!! sorry for the poor writhing I'll update again probably tmr night because I am still on vacation okay bye thanks for reading!

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