missing piece

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                            - chapter 5 -

harrys pov:

everytime i looked at sadie, my scar would start hurting and it happened again, but not with sadie, a prefect actually I think his name was mitchell.

I finally went to go check on my scar, maybe it had irritated or something

but it wasn't irritated, it was fine actually. In fact it looked better. was it healing?? that would be insane, there no way it could just all of a sudden??

I'll tell sadie about it, finn and ron too I've gotten a lot closer to them then anyone else. I mean yeah everyone else wasn't necessarily bad but they just were stuck up and only cared about me being the "chosen one" and not for just a normal boy

I was going to my first Defence against the dark arts class, I was excited the name intrigued me.

I walked in with ron while sadie and finn were father up in the group of first years as I entered the room, my teacher glanced at me weird.

and now I felt something in my scar. something different. something that made me feel weak and puny. before it was just a sting but now it felt like a burn. I sat next to sadie and finn, I was going to tell them about what was happening to me during the class but as everyone was getting settled and I started talking my teacher stopped me.

"potter wolfhard & sink, what's all this chatter about" professor quirell asked rhetorically.

"detention for you all" he assured

what that was such crap. I didn't even talk. that guys totally had something against me.

I heard draco laugh, god I hate that kid.

"detention for you too Mr. Malfoy"

professor quriell said as I watched his smile fade away slowly.

detention <3

sadies pov:

i had stupid detention and I didn't even do anything, and even if it was harrys fault I didn't mind I was just pissed i got detention for it.

i remembered that he still had to tell us something.

we walked over to the office as so we thought that that's where detention was held but we were indeed wrong.

"detention is held in the forbidden forest" professor dumbledore said as we entered his office.

"with hagrid" he added.

"doesn't seem like much of a detention huh" Harry whispered in my ear and I laughed.

as we walked to the forbidden forest with hagrid, he was holding a weird shaped bird that also looked like a horse, it confused me a bit.

"alright I'll split you into groups" hagrid said

"sink and malfoy together & wolfhard and potter" Hagrid said

I rolled my eyes in annoyance of course I get draco.

"why do I get sadie" draco spat out

"wouldya rather get potta" hagrid asked

he just turned around annoyed and started walking further in the forest. I just followed

harrys pov:

great, I still didn't get to tell them what I needed too and now sadies been separated from us, whatever I'm still going to tell Finn.

he had already started walking so I catches yo to him in a slight jog

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