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Excuse any and all mistakes
3 years back,The next day

Amari gets ready for school, regular routine like any other day.

"Here Mari baby eat a little" her grandma says with a plate of toast and bacon in her hands

"Thank you" Amari says taking a bite eating the toast and bacon

"Ok baby have a good day love you" her grandma says to her

"Love you too" Amari says

As Amari walks to school boys holler at her.


Amari sits in class listening to kid who can't read read as they struggle over every word. Amari is already on the sixth chapter ahead of the class. The bell rings making Amari put her stuff up and go to gym class.

Amari goes into the locker room seeing girls with their shirts tied up and shorts all high showing their butts. Amari puts on her gym clothes and puts her hair in a ponytail. Amari walks out of the locker room and stands with the rest of the class.

"Alright wall sits lets go" the teacher says

Their being punished for last class when they weren't following directions and taking the teacher like a joke except for Amari but Amari still had to do walk sits. In the word of the gym teacher "do things together get punished together". The half of the class does wall sits while the other half run or lap most of them got sent to the office.

After School

Amari is tutoring a Bryson in the school library since practice is late today.

"Ok so what you need help in" Amari asks

"Everything" Bryson says shaking his head

"Ok give me your homework and I'll help you"

"Nah I got somebody doing that for me already but you can help me study and write this paper" he says and she nods

"Ok what paper do you have to do" Amari asks

"History paper on some white nigga" he says and she nods

He takes the paper out and hands it to her

General Dwight D. Eisenhower

"Ok so war look up this person" she says showing him and looking at the rubric.

1 hour later (5:50pm)

Amari helped Bryson with his paper they still have to do more work with the paper but it's getting somewhere.

Amari walks to the hospital to check on her mom.

"Hi I'm here about Jennifer Lewis" Amari says to the receptionist

Amari has her dads last name,white, while her moms last name is Lewis. Amari's dad died when she was 2, got shot wrong place at the wrong time.

"Oh ok baby hold on let me get her doctor take a seat" the receptionist says and she nods going to sit

2 minutes later

"Hi Amari" the doctor says as he walks up making Amari stand up

"Hi Dr.Webber" Amari says back

"Ok so let's sit down" the doctor says and they do

"Ok umm Amari I'm sorry but your mom didn't make it through the night" he says making Amari start breathing hard and tears come out her eyes

"Ik Amari its going to be ok I'm so sorry for your loss"

Amari wipes her tears and stands up dusting herself off.

Amari sniffles
"Thank you for telling me"

Amari walks away and goes back to her grandma house trying not to cry. You never cry on the streets.

"Aww baby you found out" her grandma says hugging her and she's breaks down again

"It's gon be ok baby grandma got you baby I promise" her grandma says

Amari gets out of her grandmas hold and goes to her room laying down.

Why?, Amari thinks as she lays down and closes her eyes going to sleep

The Next Day

"Hey Amari you ok" Raheem asks putting his arm around her shoulder

"Yea" Amari lies

"Why you lying"

"I don't wanna talk about it right now Rah"

Raheem drags her to a empty classroom

"Alright now tell me"

"My mom passed" she says

"Damn Mari she was sick" he says hugging her

"Yea she didn't even tell me she just-"
Amari starts crying making Raheem grab some tissues

"Here it's Ight you gon be cool you got me, my mom, brothers, and yo grandma"

"Yea" Amari says wiping her face

"Cmon let's go we late" he says and she grabs his hand

They walk out the classroom making sure nobody sees them and suspects something.

"Ight" Raheem says as they come out in the hallway

"Together Mar" he says holding his hand out

"Together Rah" Amari says smiling a little holding out her hand too

They do their signature handshakes before separating.


Together forever?


Save. [Discontinued] Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz