Chapter 1

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I quickly walk the sidewalk head focus on where I'm going, and hands shoved in my coat pocket. EarPods bursting with my music, the heavy base giving me a kind of escape I crave from the world. This messed up, fucked up world I hate it. I hate him, I hate her, and I hate my parents for forcing us together. The song I'm listening to is fitting bad guy by Billie eilish. I reach my destination which is work and take my EarPods out. I open the door to the bakery shop I work at. It's only 5 am but I needed an escape from my ex and still current roommate. I connect my phone to the speaker in the back kitchen to get started on my job. A couple hours later I have the front shelves stocked and I'm turning the open sign on.  It starts getting busy and my other coworkers come in and it goes by rather quickly till the last hour. That's when he came in with her I grit my teeth as they walk up.

"Hi welcome to wonderland bakery how may I help you?" I say sickingly sweet. My best friend Mia caught on and gave me that look.

"Hmm I would say your man, oh but look I got him already I guess he wasn't yours to begin with." Jessica chirps from beside Michael with a bitchy smirk on her face.

"Oh thank you for taking the trash, it was very kind of you." I bite back but I know it was a stupid comeback.

"Lizzy? Please can you talk to me? I need to explain." Michael pleads.

"Um no, I caught you in bed with her a day after you proposed to me!! That's fucked up I trusted you so much, dealt with your anger issue and everything." I take off my apron and throw it in the counter. "Mia I'm going home." I tell her grabbing my purse and walking around the counter to the door. But I stop short when Michael yanks my arm toward him.

"Don't walk away from lizzy! I was set up I swear." He pleads with more lies.

"Do you hear yourself? A set up? Like she just happen to fall on your dick multiple time last week too huh? Bullshit Michael, you are a complete douche bag." His grip is hurting my arm, but I manage to pull it free and storm out. I jog all the way to the nearest park and sit down. I start breathing slowly to calm down. It's then my phone dings I pull it out and smile, it's him. I don't know who he is but my friend Mia set up this account on a friend meet site. I love how it's Anonymous and I probably won't ever meet this person.

Italics are foreign guy bold are lizzy

Hey how was day?

Eh very crappy 😑

Oh? I'm sorry I would give you hug if I wasn't far away. What happened?

*sigh* my boyfriend proposed to me the other day. I was skeptical at first because last week I found he could have possibly cheated. But non the less I was happy after 4 years we would be together make everything worth it.

But? I'm reading past tense here? Did you actually catch him cheating?

🥺 yes. With some bitch his parents approved of, because I'm not good enough. On top of that my parents are trying to set me up with random guys because and I quote I'm old enough to settle down and give them grandkids.

Wow that's a lot to unpack. How are you handling everything? You look sad? I mean damn autocorrect I meant you seem sad. 😅

I stopped for a second when I read that. What a strange mistake, but I shake my head.

Your fine, and honestly I don't know I might go to the store and get some stuff to munch on and just take off the next couple days.

Yes you should relax and clear your head. Hope you feel better soon.

I smile at this glad I have someone besides Mia to talk to. I look up feeling eyes on me but shake it off. I get up and head to the store near my apartment. Putting in my EarPods and hitting my walking playlist. Hands in my pockets I start walking the short couple blocks to the store. It took bout 15 minutes but that's because I took my time. My long purple hair blowing behind me. I walk into the store still looking down and grab a small carry basket I turn around but turn straight into a wall. I start falling and I close my eyes and wait for the impact but it never comes. I realize someone caught me. I open my eyes to see a guy holding me with an irritated look on his face and his lips moving. I realize I had my EarPods in and took them out.

"What hell why aren't you responding. Are you ignoring me?" I hear his rough voice speak out against me.

"Hey no need to get hostile I had my EarPods in I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone was behind me." I said curtly to him. I studied him real quick noting that he had what seemed to be a permanent scowl on his face, slicked back black hair dark blue graphic tshirt with regular jeans, tattoos covering his arms. Won't lie he definitely was attractive but with that scowl he just pisses me off. I stand up and push him away and walk off. In a huff I continue walking then realize I forgot my basket. I face palm and know I can't go back. I'll just get a couple shelf items so I don't have to leave my room and see his stupid face. As I round the corner I bump into another person, can people not walk today.

"Watch where your going!" I say but stop when I see it's micheal. "Oh it's you" I go to walk away but he pins me to shelf.

"Where are you going? You can't break up with me. I love you my parents are just being stupid right now. I'll take care of Jessica okay." He whispers the last part in my ear. Normally I would love this but he cheated and not once but twice. I squirm to get away but his hand are like a vice pushing my wrists into the shelf making them hurt.

"Get off of me micheal we are done I hate you. You are hurting me, please" I ask in the end because tears are starting to well up.

"No! You are mine" he snarls as he roughly kisses me. I move my head to dodge but he still kisses me but on the neck.

"Please Michael not here, and let me go" I plead not wanting this to happen. I close my eyes but feel pressure being lifted off me and I start collapsing, But strong arms catch me. I open and find it's the guy from earlier and then black out.

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