chapter 3

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Luke's p.o.v.

few minutes ago next door

I'm sitting in my apartment staring at my phone sitting on the coffee table. I rub my face in frustration debating on calling my buddies and see if they want to play games or something. She had the nerve to call me needing advice and help, like she didn't shatter my heart just last week. I pick up my phone and decide to go to the gym and punch out my anger knowing if I hold it in ill burst. I hear shouting coming from next door and I roll my eyes and grab my shirt and was about to put it on when I hear banging on my door. I wait a minute to see if it stops still really annoyed and angery, i'm not in the mood for bullshit today. Then I hear it again but a soft panicked voice speaks up.

"Please help I live next door and my ex is trying to sexually assault me!" I hear a female shout out in a panicky voice. I realize she sounds familiar. I dart to the door and open it but hear her screams as the door is slammed shut. I immediately get extremely pissed I run out my door and our other neighbors stop me for a second.

"What going on? I heard screaming and came out" an elderly lady asked me and a few neighbors nodded.

"Call the police the lady in there is being assaulted tell them to hurry" I quickly tell them then turn and kick the door in and grab the guy by the neck and fling him away. I take a quick look at her and I realize she is the same one I saved from her boyfriend at the store. The short one with an attitude I dryly chuckle since yet again i'm saving her from the same guy. From the looks of it she was kicking him out and he forced his way in. I hear him get up and glare at me.

"Stay out of this asshole! This bitch is my problem and you need to leave so we can talk!" he yells at me trying to intimidate me. I laugh and he sneers at me with an attempt at a menacing look. " What are you laughing at, get out or else!"

"haha or else what? hmmm?" I look at him with my eyebrow arched and a frown on my face. I cross my big arms across my toned chest. He steps back a bit startled and I smirk with an evil look. He has no clue who he is dealing with I can break him in a second. "I would love to see you try something."i smirk at him as I hear the police in the hallway talk to the neighbors then come in.

"Hands up. whats going on here?" A police officer shouts holding his gun in the air. The officer behind him walking around the room with his gun up inspecting corners and the rest of the apartment.

"sir this guy attacked my neighbor he is her ex boyfriend and tried to assault her. she banged on my door for help so I burst in here to help I found her unconscious on the ground with him on top of her." I state point my finger at her ex with my hands in the air.

"Okay you can put your hands down" he say says as he lowers his gun. He grabs the walkie on his uniform and calls for an ambulance and mutters some codes I don't understand. I turn to the woman and realize I don't know her name. Shit! I've saved her twice and still don't know her name. I run my hands through my hair frustrated not sure what to do.

"Lizzy! Lizzy! Are you okay? Move out of my way I'm her emergency contact idiot." She shoves her way into the room and sees her on the floor unconscious then looks at her ex then me. She sees me and walks over to me.

"Hi I'm Mia lizzy's best friend and emergency contact. What happened here?" She asks me confused.

"Well I guess this must have started at the grocery store unless he followed her there. She ran into me walking in then a little bit later I saw that douchebag forcing himself on her so I stepped in. After he left and she woke up and left I went home. That's when she suddenly started banging on my door. At first I didn't know who it was but then I recognized her and realized he was attacking her. She said he was trying to assault her. I got pissed and kicked the door and yanked him off. One of the other neighbors called the police." I finished folding my arms over my chest and furrowing my eyebrows in frustration.

"Wow poor girl thank you so much for saving her I'll tell her and what's your number? It's of course not for me but for her I know she will want it to thank you." She smirks I smile and roll my eyes and go to the table and write my number on a piece of paper. I hand it to her and ask the officer if I'm good to go. He says yes so I walk out and go to the elevator and head to the gym I need to let out some frustrations.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2022 ⏰

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