Part 1 |Inspiration

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Jude was a young boy who had always aspired to go to the moon...He felt everything relies on the moon..Everyone,knowing there was no way to go to the moon, mocked him

(It was the ancient times)

He always bragged that he would go to the moon someday ...
So one day, he ran from home and left a note

"Derest Mama annd papaa..
I weelll see yoo aht dee moon"

His parents were not surprised as they always knew their son was the ambitious one...

Before the boy could get to the moon, there was a myth that said that you had to first get to the pyramids of Egypt...
That was pretty far...

Anyways, the boy, being the brilliant one,snuck into a train heading for the Sahara desert and then he was caught but was shown mercy.,The kind fisherman helped him place his luggage and set him on the back of the camel

"It felt lumpy"
Anyways...this journey could take a lifetime...and he might never be back...

Hey..timz here...hope u r enjoying it..feel free to contribute and please give me your u all 😁

TO THE MOON AND BACKTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang