Part 1: A New Adventure, A New Start

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*At the Omni-King palace*

D.V *Lands down* Where is it... *Looks at the signs* Aha! There it is. *Speeds to the kitchen*

*In the kitchen*

Chef: Hello my Lord. What do I owe the pleasure.

D.V: I require all the food you currently have on stock. I have a dangerous expedition I have to go on.

Chef: Yes sire! Everyone, get all the food on stock immediately!

Assistants: Yes sir!

*1 minute later*

D.V: Thank you, you just saved more lives than you think. *Stores all the food* I'll be off now. See you soon. *Vanishes*

Chef: *Tears up* He's so damn cool!

*In space*

D.V: This should be everything. Now to the Migrant Void. *Flies away*

*Large gusts of wind shake surrounding galaxies*

D.V: Sorry! *Flies faster* But I gotta get there, and fast! *Speeds up further*

*The atmosphere begins to get darker*

D.V: Here I am. The Migrant Void.


E: The Migrant Void is the remaining dark space that can be used to house living beings. It covers 65% of the seemingly endless void. The light in this void is all the excess light from galaxies, universes and stars.

*Time resume*

D.V: *Looks around rapidly* Damn! It's much darker than before! *Looks at the note* Come on... There has to be a hint here somewhere. *Flips the note* Nothing. As usual. Here goes nothing. *Activates Ken Haki, Wakfu sense, Sharingan & Advanced Ki sense* Something has to show up. Something! *Feels something* There it is. It's faint but it works. *Flies quickly*

*At the location*

D.V: Where the hell is that? *Looks around*

*A bright light flashes on Mike*

D.V: What the hell!? Where is that light coming from-

*A gigantic door appears before Mike*

D.V: I... Did... Not expect that in the slightest. Uhh... Open sesame?

*The door does not budge*

D.V: Guess I can just open it. *Opens the door* Welp, that was simple. *Walks through the door*

*Mike gets teleported to a random location*

D.V: Where the- is that... A pyramid!? Not just that, AN ENTIRE KINGDOM!!!

Guards: Intruder! Fire! *Shoots at Mike*

D.V: Woah! *Dodges the arrows*

Guard: Take this! *Fires at Mike*

D.V: *Catches the arrow* Another note. *Grabs the note* And this says, "Hello, Mumei here, I have to write this quick. Mike, you must travel through these realms. A rift in time is located somewhere on the pyramid. Find it." Got it Mumei. *Vanishes*

Guards: Where did he just go!?

D.V: *Runs on the pyramid* Where is that- There it is! *Jumps into the rift*

*Mike is launched into a forest*

D.V: *Detransforms* Thats much better. This place... Is calming. *Pulls out his phone* Mumei's music should compliment nicely.

*"A new start" begins playing*

Mike: That's nice.

*More arrows fly from the trees*

Mike: Gotta do better than that. *Catches the arrows*

*One of the arrows hit the note*

Mike: Shoot-

*A map falls out*

Mike: Oh... Mumei wrote this. I forgot. She probably forgot to write this. *Grabs the map* This should make things easier for me. *Runs to the next rift* Here we go. *Jumps in the rift*

*Mike quickly shifts from realm to realm*

Mike: *Lands face first* Ow. *Stands up* Greek statues? *Looks around* I'm confused. What the hell is going on? *Walks around* Where is it? *Walks to the statue* Who could have built these- wait a minute, could they be- *falls down* No time for that I guess.


E: If this is confusing, lemme explain. The door is infact the gateway to the realm of the gods. But all of these monuments were built in honor of Ultrax. To complicate the way of entry, and to show what he's done with the Multiverse.

*Time resume*

Mike: Ancient carvings. *Looks ahead* Light! *Runs to the end of the path*

*Mike Jumps out of a large temple*

Mike: Wait is that the next rift- *Fails to land* *Tumbles down the stairs* Ow! Wait not yet- *Slides into the rift*

*Mike begins to rapidly shift from realm to realm*

Mike: *Launched out* *Lands on his feet* Where am I this time? *Looks up* I'm at the foot of a mountain. No biggie. *Jumps up the mountain* I can see everything from up here! *Flies higher* I wonder...

*A large floating structure can be seen*

Mike: There it is. *Flies slowly* There seems to be no guards. Surprising. *Lands down*

*A machine begins to spin rapidly*

Mike: What did I just do? What did I even activate this time?

*The vision of the Council shines bright*

Mike: What the!?

*Mike shifts realms once more*

Mike: *Looks around* Where am I- WHOA! *Looks down* Why did I teleport here!? Is this... Their base? *Looks around* There's no life sources. It can't be. *Jumps down* Now, I need to find the rift before the song ends haha. *Looks around*

*Mike stares at the large statue of a sword*

Mike: That symbol... It was on my staff. *Summons his staff* It is indeed. *Retracts his staff* Then it's settled. *Walks to the statue* Let's see if this works. *Holds the statue*

*Mike begins to see clocks move, twist and turn*

Mike: The same clocks... Time travel I see. Not bad.

*Mike switches realms one last time*

Mike: *Lands on the ground* Here we are. The land of the Gods. Or it should be. I hope. *Looks around* Yes, yes, yes! There's life. I'm in the right place. Alright guys, I'll be with you soon. Just you wait.

*The song ends*

Mike: It ended just at the right time. How fitting. *Walks slowly to the civilization* As expected, guards. All with high battle powers. Best to not interact. *Looks around* I have an idea. Room. *Makes a room* Shambles. *Switches places with one of the citizens*

Citizen: Where am I?

Mike: Aha. It works- oh my Irene... This place looks amazing. *Looks around* it's composed of old and new terrain, structures, and even food! This is great! *Breathes in* But I can't let that distract me. I still gotta find them before anything serious happens.

---------To be continued...

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