After Story: 'Till we meet again...

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Mike: *Chilling and reading* Wonder what everyone else is up to. After Isorath, everything is just, pretty calm wouldn't ya think?

Rosalina: Yes. It's very calm. I'm surprised your not running to other worlds looking for fights now.

Mike: I'm not that desperate. Plus, Reed and Roy may need me in a certain situation.

Rosalina: I guess that's a reasonable cause. But can't you use a shadow clone?

Mike: Using shadow clones is only for armies and last resorts. I don't need it just yet.

*A paper airplane quickly flies through the window*

Mike: *Grabs it* Too slow. A paper airplane for a weapon? Tch, get something better.

Rosalina: I don't think it's an assassination attempt.

Mike: A message right?

Rosalina: Exactly that.

Mike: *Opens the paper airplane* "Dear Mike, as your friend, I'd like to give you a present for your birthday, or maybe a late birthday gift, or advance birthday gift. Whatever."
What- whaddya mean? Everyone gave me a birthday present. Moving on,
"I wanted to put it in a special place. You can find it in the Omni-King's palace. That's all I'll give you by your loving friend Sana."
And it ends with a winky face. Classic Sana. *Stands up*

Rosalina: Didn't she give you a birthday present?

Mike: Oh she most definitely did. But hey, I won't decline a present.

Rosalina: What if it's a trap?

Mike: Would any trap work on me at this point?

Rosalina: That's s good point.

Mike: I'll go look for it then I'll open for it here.

Rosalina: Alright, Alright, have fun on your treasure hunt. Don't get hurt.

Mike: No promises! *Runs out the door*

*With Sana*

Sana: *Grabs one of Mike's storage cube* This'll do nicely.

Mumei: Sana, you sure?

Sana: I'm certain!

Kronii: I guess if you really want to, we won't stop you. Even if it is stupid.

*With Mike*

Mike: Hello everyone!

Cleaners: Hello Techno-Sama!

Mike: Just call me Techno. No need for formalities. I'm here to ask, have you seen a tall woman, with a bread dog enter here?

Cleaners: Not that we know off.

Mike: Looks like she snuck in. Clever. *Walks to the storage room*

*In the storage room*

Chef: *Looking for ingridents*

Mike: Hello Chef.

Chef: Ah Techno-Sama! What brings you here?

Mike: I'm just looking for a present. A friend of mine said it's located here.

Chef: I've checked the entire storage room sire, but I haven't seen anything. If I do, I'll bring it to you immediately.

Mike: Thank you. I'll check somewhere else then. *Walks away*

Chef: Now where are those Chilis? Ah there they are! *Grabs the Chilis*

*In the guests room*

Mike: *Checks the corners* Where is it... *Checks under the couches* Come on... *Checks in the cabinets* Where is it... *Looks inside the clock*

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