( Untitled until I can be creative )

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( A/N ) First chapter is Muke, duh, im muke af. Uhm enjoy. Ps sorry for it taking forever, my updates are always slow and shitty. Oh and theres a cute guy at school ( he looks kinda like a mini gerard way when gerard had black hair ) which is very surprising that theres someone attractive here. Anyway enjoy.




1813 words!!!


Unedited so expect mistakes

" Okay boss i'll have the report by tomorrow. "

" Okay goodnight Michael. "

He turned around and walked away. I made sure no one was looking and I flipped his back off with a ' fuck you ' face on. I walked away gritting my teeth. he really knew how to piss me off, pulling shit like this. He all of a sudden decided to put a 15 page long booklet for our marketing resources and i have to edit it and it be done by tomorrow.

I got into my old almost broken minivan that my mom, Karen, gave me on my 16th birthday. I tried starting the engine but I got nothing. I tried again. and again. and agin. the sequence of me turning the car keys trying to start it went on for the next 30 minutes.

" Fuck this, " I opened the door with a rusty squeak. I walked around and kicked the hood as hard as I could. Turning around I noticed lights in the distance of the road. I stuck my thumb out in hopes the person would stop and help me. To my surprise the car stopped and a young blonde fellow popped the door open with a smile.

" You need a ride? " He just continued looking at me with a devilishly sly grin. He was undeniably attractive.

" Sure, " I hopped into the passengers seat and closed the door shut. He popped a piece of spearmint gum into his mouth without offering me one. This probably wasn't the best idea; taking a ride from some random dude. The car was painfully silent after I shut my door. Cocking my head to the side i looked at him, " Uhm are you going go? "

" You have to give me directions first smart one. " He replied with a smirk.

" Oh uhm yea... " I explained the directions to him and he just nodded along. Once i was finished we started to drive, he put in a CD album when i was looking out the window. All The Small Things echoed in the background. I looked over, he was tapping his hand against the steering wheel and humming along.

Before long we got to my house, i turned to thank him and he locked the doors. What the hell? He turned to me and started,

" I'll let you out on one condition. Give me your number? " he just continued smiling like a stalker.

" And if i don't? "

" I'll lock you in my basement. " his smile never faltered. I looked at him in shock and started to try to jiggle the door handle as hard as i could but thats when i realized he was laughing at me.

" Oh my god did you believe me¿? " He clutched his stomach.

" Not funny dude... Too far man, " i turned and looked at him.

" Nah I'm just kidding. just give me your number okay¿ Incase you need a " he cleared his throat " ride agin. " he winked at the end and took out a pen from the dashboard, offering it to me. Hesitantly I took his arm and wrote my friend Calum's number on it. Hopefully i wont have to encounter this dope head again. He looked down at his arm and continued grinning.

" Im gonna go now¿... " I hopped out and he watched me walk to my house. I felt around in my pockets and started freaking out. I felt like he was eye raping me, In that moment of time I REALLY wished i hadn't decided to let this guy give me a lift. I huffed and started banging my head against the door. Why now of all times did i have to forget my keys in the car

One Shots boy x boy 5sos, phan, 1D, kellic, etcDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora