VII - Full Spin Around

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Alright, we need to do a concert!

Caroline and I have had a couple more days to practice and a couple more songs officially selected. I had in mind of immediately indicate her my favorite song for us to start with that one, but luckily the Carrie situation happened first, and only then I suddenly remembered to tell her about Holding Out for a Hero, by Bonnie Tyler, the next day.

Then, of course I also couldn't go without my favorite band, so I let Caroline choose whatever Bon Jovi song she found herself more comfortable at playing and eventually singing. And well, she happens to have chosen my second favorite song, and I almost kissed her cheek of contentment at that.

Summarizing, I think Rekoons are pretty much set to have a small first concert. It is important to not do anything much because we need to see what people will think of us, and if then they show expectation for more, then we'll give them more. So that also leads us to do the concert somewhere people would watch it, or at least know where it is happening. Of course the first option is a garage concert at one of our houses, but mine doesn't have a garage and Caroline's seems too noble to simply host something like that - and I wouldn't be surprised if their garage was underground, although that still could be really useful..

"I think I'll go with Diana." The name catches my attention and I blink once to focus my vision, realising I've been staring at the back of the chairs on front of me. I don't know if it is the lack of the rumbling of my own thoughts, or the classroom really fell this silent all of a sudden.

I move only my eyes up to the source of the summoning of my attention and, of course, meet a pair of bright smirking ones and their denim jacket supporting dark curls at the shoulders. Those and the teacher's seem to be the only ones acknowledging my presence, and I wonder why; why are there some even doing so?

I understand we're still doing the activity of going to the board to answer to the question the teacher gives us and then choose someone to go next. And by the way Styles stands at it waiting for some kind of response, tells me it has been his turn and now he intends to make it mine, knowing very well I'm most likely to not enjoy it.

So because of that, I don't hesitate in detaching my back from my seat and standing up to walk to the board, while the teacher thanks him as he does the opposite of me. I glance at what was written previously and his scrabbling writing, grabbing the used piece of chalk while listening to the question read by the teacher along with feeling hesitant stares burning my back. The teacher doesn't finish his doing and the sound of the board being scratched is already being heard. I easily write down a sigle date and the name of the war he asks for, and he stops talking to another void silence while checking my answer.

I land the chalk again, not waiting and turning away, only immediately directing my eyes to Styles first.

"It's Brown." I correct him lowly in what comes to my name, knowing even my breathing could be easily heard right now, sending somewhat challenging eyes at his blankly surprised ones that remain in place when I walk back to my seat as the teacher announces it is correct. He's making me deal with him a little bit more than I'd like to, by now. And maybe he knows that a little bit better than I think he does.

But anyway, where was I? Right. I could talk to Caroline about her garage and the circumstances of using it.. But I don't know, perhaps that would be too inconvenient. So, discarding that option, I suppose I'm left with renting a place, pay someone to have us announced and playing in a somewhat proper place to do so. How does that work exactly, I don't know. But I fear I might have some idea of a certain stage that would surely do.


"Principal Davis?"

"Yes? Come in, Brown. It's good to see you." The bald, dark skinned man sits at his desk, discreetly rotating his chair to one side and the other, his smile reaching his eyes while I close the door of his office after me. It was strange to have to walk on the opposite direction of everyone else as they all made their ways out to the main door, but I had some stronger reasons and I was easily let pass through.

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