Powers +Abilities

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Powers ;  video up top

Okay, so obviously being the daughter of Bucky she'll have super soldier Serum in her body which counts as a power but I'm adding Super speed to her chart.

Powers :  SSS ( Born with)
The Super-Soldier Serum  grants individuals super human senses, like Strength, speed, hearing etc

Super speed:
Czarina has the  ability to think and move at superhuman speeds, and has enhanced agility and reflexes. She is able to run beyond speed of light, accomplishes feats such as creating cyclones out of pure speed, running up walls and above bodies of water, along with
Enhanced Metabolism. 

Accelerated perception: Czarina's increased speed also arguments her reaction time allowing her to react to danger and events much faster than a normal human, her reflexes are so fast that they even allow her to catch bullets in mid-air. As a result, Czarina tends to see the world around her as if it were in slow motion, especially when she's moving at super speed.

Increased metabolism: Czarina's  powers also accelerates her metabolic rate. Her body can break down food more efficiently than a regular human can and as a result expels very little waste products that she can expel through her skin, this enables her to rapidly heal from injuries much quicker than normal human, and makes her immune to most posions and Alcohol.

Longevity: It is likely that Czarina's enhanced speed allows her an extended life. ( Same as Bucky fyi)

Extreme force generation: Czarina has enhanced momentum, which allows her to enhance the force in her attacks, strikes, impacts and collisions, often propelling objects or people several feet.

Molecular Acceleration: is able to accelerate molecules to disrupt the inter-molecular bonds around her. This can lead to many effects such as molecular combustion upon physical contact with the target.

Combatant: Czarina can infuse her super speed with physical combat enabling her to fight at an incredible speed, her attacks may cause more damage to normal due to the kinetic energy— thus momentum produced to each hit.

• Patience
• whiplash
• Raised voices
• Tight spaces
• to much sugar
• Sufficient force
•Human vulnerabilities

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