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Bucky's pov

I grumbled to myself tiredly as I felt tiny hands play with my hair, I momentarily wondered if I  kept my eyes closed than maybe, just maybe the little giggling troublemaker next to me, who kept me up way past midnight —would just lay back down. Unfortunately this wasn't going to work at all because about 5 or 10 minutes later I heard soft frustrated whines come from my babygirl as she tried—key word, tried to climb over me to scurry out the room. Now she knew she wasn't allowed anywhere near the kitchen, outside, movie room or the snack room until either I was awake, or it was well past 12 unless she was looking to break house rules—which would land her in time out or getting her bottom smacked. I let her struggle for a few seconds more before taking her by surprise and swept her up into my arms though, I almost dropped her after feeling her unusual warmth. Maybe it was due to cuddling with me, the serum did enhance my warmth, but I wouldn't be surprised if she was sick. She was like Steve in that way, it didn't anger or annoy me though. If anything, it just made me more protective or observant of her usual and unusual behavior.

" Daddddddddy!!" My little girl shrieked but I gave her a piercing look. Czarina's skin was warmer than usual, and she had a dazed look in her blue eyes. I desperately hoped to God my Babygirl wasn't sick or coming down with something. Czarina had gotten a bad ear infection about 2 or 3 weeks ago and was down for a while, it was as bad for me as it was for her. His baby cried nearly all night and slept, cried or down right refused to eat, play or take baths during the day. It was horrible.

" Hm, Babygirl you wanna tell daddy something?" I asked her sternly. Now I understand that children lie or act up all the time but I was still a man from the 40s and wasn't afraid of dishing out an appropriate punishment. Sure, I wasn't going to give her the punishments I went through back in the day. It was a different time now but I wasn't going to raise a misbehaving child, which was why I had a rule board in multiple places in the house. Just so that if my baby so much as thought about doing something against said rules she had no excuse or confusion as to why I was giving her a punishment. She knows the rules; Be a bad girl and Break the rules—you get punished. Follow the rules like a good girl and you get rewarded.

Czarina was quiet for a minute only somewhat confirming his suspicions. I laid on my back with her sitting on my stomach as she looked to be thinking. I could wait; while I was only half positive on how she felt and probably why, I wanted her to tell me herself. I mean I  could be wrong but I wasn't always going to be able to tell when she was starting to feel ill, so she needed to learn to come to me straight away.

" Uhmm, nooo..?"she gently voiced out, her words laced with an adorable Russian accent, which surprisingly I could understand. I had no problem understanding and speaking Russian; however, my little girl had a slight lisp. Something I found adorable, and over time I learned to understand most things she tried to say. I raised an eyebrow, challenging her.

" I pwamise I'm not lying daddy!— I am hungwy though" she said patting her stomach cutely before laying her head on my chest. I hummed softly, catching a whiff of her kiwi and watermelon shampooed hair. Not feeling like making anything crazy I mentally decided on making fruit and french toast for breakfast. Healthy and tantrum free, especially since I really wasn't willing to fill her up with loads of sugar and risk upsetting her stomach. Yeah, No.

" Bunny you wanna help daddy make fruit and french toast?" I watched her eyes light up making me chuckle seeing most of the dazed look on her  face disappear like magic, though I still made a mental note to observe her behavior for the next week, just to be sure.

My arms tightened around her little waist before heading to the door. I hummed softly as I listened to my bunny go on and on about her favorite monster high characters and the cute dragons in HTTYD. If someone told me I would be humming a Russian lullaby to a bubbly 4 year old who loved and adored me almost as much as I her while listening to her babble without a care in the world I probably would've punched them in the face or yeeted them for so much as taunting me with a life I thought I could never have, but here I am and I'll kill anyone who tries to take my baby away from me. Even if she did like to test my patience, I would take her tantrums over losing her any day.

" Daddy, can we go get pwums after bweakfast?" My little girls voice shook me from my thoughts as I focused on her tired eyes.  It was bound to be a rainy day today and I really wasn't keen with the idea of her being out in the rain, but she loved plums almost as much as me and unfortunately we were all out. Even I was upset about it.

" Hmm, how about after you've had a nap darling" I suggested giving her a pointed look. It really wasn't up for debate. She knew this but she hated naps with a passion but if she skipped naptime she'd be sleepy, cranky and would fall asleep around 4 or 5 and than she'd be up for the rest of the night, I was not in the mood for dealing with a bad girl today, I wanted a good girl. Mainly since I'm running on about 4 hours of sleep...of course I don't blame her, she had a nightmare. I could understand that, and I'd never be upset at being woken up by my little girl wanting comfort.

As I predicted she was not on board with naptime and immediately started shaking her head, giving off multiple whines while kicking her little feet as if it would change my mind. I shook my head and clenched my jaw in irritation as she unintentionally kicked my stomach, I immediately swated her bottom a few time putting an end to her brattiness. I wasn't in the mood for bratty behavior, not today. Her kicking stopped but I could still hear her whines and sniffles as I flipped the french toast onto our plates. I set our plates on the dining room table, and walked to the living room. I sat down before gently pulling her face out of my chest so she was eye level with me. Meaning  she was sitting on my lap with her legs halfway around my waist, I looked into the eyes of my babygirl her tired blue eyes looking into my own. I knew good and well she was sleepy. I also knew she knew this too, she was just being a brat about it, which was really starting to aggravate  me.

" No more tears baby, you know I hate it when you cry. Be a good girl and take your nap and I'll bring you to get plums later" I cooed wiping away her tears with my thumbs. Her cries only grew as she laid her head down on my chest, putting one of my human fingers in her mouth. Now I just knew this was one of her bad days. Usually she only did this when she was sick, in pain or sleepy. I let her suck on my finger while I got the fruit ready. It was keeping my babygirl quiet so I honestly didn't care. While getting her fruit ready I noticed her whines had stopped and her eyes dropped a bit.
Damnit... This is why she needed naps. It's only 11 and she's knocked out. Usually her naptime was about 1:00-1:30 not 11 in the damn morning. I gently rubbed her back while whispering in her ear to gently wake her up.

" Princesss, wake up darling....open those wonderful blue eyes"I gently coaxed her while her eyes fluttered open slowly.

" D-daddy...?" Her muffled voiced sounded in my ears while I was getting her highchair.

" Yes sweetness?" I questioned her while setting her chair next to mine. Once I was finished she turned to wrap her arms around my waist.

" Can I sit on your lap while we eat pwease?" She asked tiredly. I knew it'd be faster if she sat on my lap and ate because she usually took forever in her highchair, always taking the time to trace the flower designs on the highchair. It was probably the best bet if I wanted her to eat something before she knocked out again. She looked like she could drop any second now.

"Of course sweetheart, come here". She adorably stumbled towards my open arms as I sat her on my lap while we ate. Not wanting to risk killing her naptime wanting state, I decided to feed her so I could avoid the need to bathe her before sleepytime. She ate all her fruit before bluntly refuses the french toast. At first I was going to reprimand her for being so bratty about it but decided against it when I heard her little head hit the table. Completely knocked out.  Chuckling to myself I laid her on the couch while I got the kitchen cleaned as fast as I could. It took me only 15 minutes before I was heading back to my sleepy babygirl, who thankfully was still knock out. I gently carried her down the long hallway to my bedroom, which was diagonal to hers, wanting her room to be as close to mine as possible. I laid her down on the bed so I could get ready to take my own much needed nap. After triple checking to make sure she wouldn't fall off the bed if she rolled over I went downstairs to double check the front and back doors. After making sure they were   locked I headed back to my bedroom, where she was still sound asleep. I stripped from my shirt so I'd be more comfortable, got into bed slowly as to not wake the sleeping angel next to me before bringing her to my chest. Her head rested on my chest while I hugged her to me. Almost immediately her tiny hands pulled my vibranium  thumb towards her mouth, I wanted to pull it out and give her, her paci but I couldn't find the damn thing and really, what's the harm? I remember my ma letting my sister and I suck on her fingers or our pacifiers whenever we were sleeping or in distress till we were like 4 or 5. Besides, I really needed a good nap and so did she.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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