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         Bucky hears his daughter's soft even breaths and smiles. He's made a habit of reading or watching TV  in bed while waiting for her to fall asleep as he wouldn't dream of falling asleep without knowing his doll was safe and sound asleep in either her own bed or in his arms. Bruno, his Siberian husky puppy — well more like Czarina's husky, likes to join Bucky when he reads or watches TV, curling up on his side to keep him company. The dogs' ears twitch slightly, hearing the little girl in the other room. Bucky leans back on his bed slightly, silently listening to his child's soft snores in the other room. It's been a year since everyone was blipped back and Steve left him for a white picket fence life, at first, he was upset but after he found out the existence of his little girl he could understand. He had found out the existence of Czarina —his daughter 8 months ago, while Shuri was testing his blood, she found another living relative of Bucky Barnes. At first, he thought of his younger sister, Rebecca but once she opened the file, he knew it wasn't the case. He was right. After looking into it Shuri found out Hydra and the Red Room were working on another project. One where they took DNA from Bucky and Steve and made a super child. Of course, it failed multiple times, but the last test subject survived. A beautiful baby girl.  Her name was Czarina. Unfortunately, she disappeared altogether after four years due to getting very sick. Bucky thought she died, but when he was blipped back, he was notified that Shuri found more information on the girl. Apparently in order to save the child's life, the Red Room froze her, but everyone was blipped, and information lost. Apparently, Natasha Romanoff and her sister Yelena Belova took down the Red Room and killed that bastard, Draykov. So, after he took down the remaining Hydra organizations, he tracked down his daughter's whereabouts. He tracked all the way to Belarus, Russia and found her frozen in an abandon underground Wearhouse, thankfully the child wasn't sick anymore, so he didn't have to worry about that but since the assholes froze a fucking toddler, he had to rush the girl to Bruce who overlooked the child's health. Apparently, being out of the ice after so long caused her to slip into a sleep induced coma, so once again Bucky had to wait for her. While she slept Bruce notified him of her previous and current illnesses. Czarina was much like Steve and was born with multiple illnesses, most were cured by the Red Room, but Czarina would still suffer from Iron Deficiency, Anxiety, Sensory processing deficiency, and ADHD due to her newfound power, super speed.

Bucky shook his head lightly and silently listened to his daughter's breathing once again. He silently hoped she'd get a full night's rest but unfortunately luck wasn't on his side tonight because just about midnight he woke up to a terrible sound. More specifically, the sound of shrill screams of fear coming from his daughter's bedroom. Immediately, Bucky jumped onto his sock covered feet and dashed to his child's room, desperately wanting to end his daughter's pain. Bruno at his heels. Upon opening the girls door, he took in the pitiful sight before him. His daughter lay on her bunny themed bed, her credent moon nightlight illuminating her facial features. He could see the sweat roll down her forehead, her dark curly hair sticking to her face, her eyes screwed right but he knew they were blue. How could he not? She was an exact copy of himself. His doll. Wanting to put an end to her night terror Bucky silently crept towards her bed, trying his best not to startle the obviously frightened girl as he slowly got into bed with her. By now she's calmed down a tab bit but Bucky knew from experience it wasn't safe to make any sudden movements. So, in a soft voice, a voice he only ever used with her, he slowly started talking, making his presence known.

" Hey, hey, it's okay Sweetheart. It's just Daddy, it's okay now... you're safe" He spoke slowly brushing a finger to the child's cheek. He still kept his distance not wanting to cause a panic attack but he needed her to know it was just him. Nobody else. Seeing the girl ever so slightly calm down he took this as a positive sign to keep going.

" Hmm, come back to me babygirl— it's not real. Just a dream" Bucky spoke softly, brushing her hair out of her face, he could see her eyes start to slowly open and her breathing start to slow. Upon seeing this Bucky brought the girl closer to him, hugging her into his side as she nuzzled her way into his human shoulder. Bucky hummed a soft tune in Russian since the girl wasn't fluent in English as of yet. He knew how much it calmed her down. The girl was silent for a bit before she looked up towards the man she called daddy.

( Note, as I said Czarina's English will be bad. She's 3/4 yaears old, and really only speaks Russian. Bear with me plz)

" It was scary daddy...s-so r-real! T-he-y giv-e me  ouchies d-daddy!" The little girl cried into her father's side. Obviously, the dream really scared her because she started hyperventilating making Bucky instantly go into daddy mode. Usually when Czarina hyperventilates she goes into full panic attack and Bucky had absolutely no clue where her inhaler was at the moment. Bucky pulled Czarina closer to him so she was practically on top of his chest and rubbed soothing circles into the crying child's back while guiding her out of her closing in panic attack.

" Hey, it's okay. No need to explain...I've got you and nobody will ever take you away from me babygirl...daddy will protect you , I promise" bucky soothed. The girl eventually grew tired of crying and slowly quieted down. Noticing her drowsy state he felt around the sheets for her pacifier. After feeling around for a quick minute he grasped it in his medal hand, gently pushing it to the child's face, only to let go a few seconds late once the child had it in her mouth. Drifting into a thankfully—peaceful sleep. 

Her pacifier:
Note: I got the pacifiers from Pinterest. When I looked them up it said they were for " adults", however I'm going to be using them for this story so just don't come at me in the comments with, " those aren't for toddlers , there for adults ....." I know but I really couldn't find decorative ones for actual toddlers so I'm improvising.
Some will have names on them like idk babygirl, or princess or something like that. Plz, don't sexualize any of this—thx

 Plz, don't sexualize any of this—thx

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