Chapter 10

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Hayden's POV:

"It wasn't Jessie's fault. I messaged wanting to speak to her but she said no at first. I got her to meet me at Starbucks where we had a quick talk before we came here. Hayden, I want to talk. Please". Tobin says and I look at Jessie who nods.

I let out a sigh and nodded. "Okay, we can talk in the office". I say and head towards the office with Tobin following behind me.

Once Tobin walks into my office I shut the door behind her. I sit in my familiar chair and Tobin sits in Jessie's chair which was next to mine.

"So how did you find us"? I asked.

"Christen called and told me about your run-in with each other in Tokyo. Then I asked everyone I knew who was there and asked if they knew anything about you. No one did but then I called Sinc and I could tell she was holding out on me so I pushed her to talk. She told me that you were living in London, England and you had proposed to Jessie while at the Olympics. She also told me you had adopted two kids a few days ago. I asked for your address but she wouldn't give it to me. I then messaged Jessie to meet me and you know the rest". Tobin said and I nodded understanding.

It was quiet for about a minute until I asked another question. "So, what did you want to talk about Tobin. You said you wanted to talk so what is it"?

"What do you think Hayden? You disappeared and no one could find you. I've constantly been worried and looking for you. I was so scared that something bad had happened to you".

I sigh. "What did you expect me to do Tobin? My life has constantly been fucked up. First, my mum dies during childbirth so I never knew her. Then my father abused me constantly until I was fifteen when he finally got arrested. Then life was good after two years of being in an orphanage when I was called up for a camp with you all. I got especially close with you, Christen and Alex. I thought everything would go back to normal when camp ended but no, you let me live with you and you became my guardian and adopted me. Then guess what, life fucked me up again a few days later and Evie died, I lost my arm and my chance to ever be a keeper again. I also lost someone I cared about because I was stupid".

"Are you talking about Mal"? Tobin interrupted and I nodded.

"Yeah, I don't love her like I love Jessie but I still loved her and I destroyed that. Then everything went bad and I overheard you talking to Christen about how you had failed. I couldn't bear to hear you say and think that so I left".

"What did you do"? She asked intrigued.

"I got on a flight here, got a part-time job as well as some photography jobs. Then I saw an opening for a photographer for Chelsea so I applied and got the job. Then a year later Jess joined and I took the photos of her signing and we hit it off straight away. We went on a few dates and then about a week later we started dating and now we're engaged and adopted Logan and Caleb".

"It seems like everything is going good for you right now". Tobin says and I scoff.

"Yeah and now you're here". I say and Tobin sighs.

"Hayden don't say it like that. You're the one who left leaving me worried constantly. After the accident, you shut me out and I called Christen because I didn't know how to help you. I really wanted to help you through it but you left before I could".

I sighed before whispering an apology.

"It's okay Hayden. Like I said when I was going to adopt you, I'm not leaving you ever. You're stuck with me".

"Now what"? I sighed.

"Well I want to be back in your life again. I want to get to know your fiancée and your kids". Tobin said looking at me hopefully.

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