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Not long later I heard them upstairs and then walk into the games room. One of the doors was open to the theatre room where I still was and I could only see Mama since she was leading the tour. "The last room is the theatre room in there". She said pausing to look in my direction and giving me a subtle nod which I reciprocated. "And there's a surprise in there for you all". She said opening the other door and motioning for them to walk in.

They walked in looking around the room until they saw me and looked confused. I took a deep breath before standing up from my seat and walking towards them.

A few of them saw my arm, which they couldn't recognise, making me smirk.

"D'you miss me"?






"No matter how many times you say my name, my answer isn't going to change Lex". I chuckle at the forward. Alex ran up to me pulling me into a hug.

"Is it really you"? She whispered. "It's me Lex. I'm here". I whispered back.

Alex pulled away before hitting my chest.

"How could you just run away like that"!

Another hit.

"Do you know how broken I was"!

Another hit.

"Do you know how broken Tobin and Christen were"!

Another hit.


"Do you know how heartbroken Mal was"!

Another hit.

"Alex that's enough"!

"It's okay". I assured them.

"Dammit Hayden do you know how distraught everyone was"!

Another hit.

"You left us for six years not having a single clue if you were even alive"!

Another hit.

"We were all broken after you left". She chokes out and rests her clenched fists on my chest so I pull her back into me as her tears fall. "I know Lex. I know". I whisper.

She pulls away and wipes her tears before stepping out of the room. Mama gives me a look asking if I'm okay and I nod.

"Anyone else wanna go"? I say looking at the other thirteen players in the room.

Ash, Alyssa and Hope step forward, pull me into a bone-crushing hug and slap the back of my head. The three of them were the ones who were the most protective of me when I was younger.

"I think we're good now"? Ash says and the other two goalies agree and they pull away.

"Alright, who's next"?

Kelley and Sonnett come up to me next smiling. "The golden child is back". They cheer making me laugh at the memories of pulling pranks with them and they would get in trouble whereas I wouldn't.

Becky and Ali were next and hugged me and apologised for their girlfriends slapping my head, which I told them was fine.

"Tiny isn't so tiny anymore". Sammy said as she, Morgan, and Lindsey pulled me into a hug.

Next were Megan and Meaghan. Kling also commented on my height as we used to be small buddies. And Pinoe commented on how I was now a little bit taller than her.

End GameWhere stories live. Discover now