New Hope

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I hate it. Everywhere I look, people are having fun - smiling, laughing and chatting with friends as if she never died. As if they didn't kill her. As if she never existed. I feel repulsed by these people I call my schoolmates. How dare they rob her of her life and then act so nonchalant about it.Thinking about my late best friend Cath made me bow my head to hide the tears streaming down the contours of my face once again. It isn't fair. It's wrong and it's sickening. I'm so fucking ashamed of them.

"Oof!" Not looking where I was going, I bumped into someone. "I'm so sor..." I exclaimed as I looked up, prepared to apologise but stopped abruptly when I noticed who it I bumped into.

"Well excuse me!" I snapped at the surprised Cody Pine.

He frowned. "That was impolite" he snapped back.

"Oh and making up false rumors about Cath thus effectively killing her was polite?" I snarled at him furiously. He had some nerve, lecturing me on politeness when he wouldn't know the meaning of polite if it bit him in the ass.

"If I recall perfectly, you got a letter from Cath too, you fucking hypocrite" he spat.

I reeled back as if I had been slapped, which was how I felt then. A startled and hurt gasp escaped my lips. His eyes flashed with regret and he opened his mouth to begin an apology when I snapped at him in retaliation.

"At least I regretted it! At least I'm mourning her unlike some people who are carrying on as if nothing had happened!"

He looked positively murderous. Stalking towards me, he asked in a dangerous tone. "You think that I don't regret her death with every fiber of my being? You think I'm not breaking apart into pieces every single bloody minute? Well guess what Christina I DO CARE!" he hissed at me, causing me to flinch back.

My eyes welled with another torrent of fresh tears. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you, I'm just upset and feeling guilty, and...and I'm just sorry!" I burst out.

His features instantly softened and he pulled me into an awkward hug, patting my back. "Hey it's okay. I shouldn't have yelled at you either" he said consolingly.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" a snide voice from behind me drawled.

I broke off from the hug and spun around to see none other than Karilyn the devil, smirking at us evilly. Her very presence made me grit my teeth.

"What the hell do you want, bitch?" I snarled. I was so not in the mood to deal with the likes of her.

"Ooh, someone is in a bad mood today" she squealed in delight, looking as though she wanted to clap her hands in joy for having found a new victim to torment. "Why, is it because of the dead bulimic bitch?"

I gasped in outrage at her audacious insult. Beside me, Cody stiffened. Like me, he was more than ready to beat the shit out of this she-devil. Before either of us could act upon our nefarious desires, however, someone else spoke up.

"Yeah, so Cath had self confidence issues which caused her to commit extreme actions. But so what? At the end of the day, she was kind and helpful. She is the light in the darkness of our cruel society. But, you, Karilyn, will never amount to anything. You can never hold a candle to Cath, and if our appearances reflect our attitude, bitch, you will be the world's ugliest slut!" the person spat.

I turned back around to see who has spoken up and was astonished to see the furious face of...Brittany. At that moment, I was utterly gobsmacked. Brittany, the person who took and posted photos of Cath at her most vulnerable moments, the person who called Cath rude names, the person who had intentionally hurt Cath time and again - stood up for Cath? I was so shocked that I did not even notice Karilyn stomping off in a childish fit.

After Karilyn left, Brittany turned to face us. "It's sad isn't it? How harsh society is? That it can forget its murdered victim so easily?"

I didn't answer. I was still much too confounded by Brittany's odd behaviour to.

It was as if she had read my thoughts.

"Look," she said "I know that I haven't been exactly kind to Cath, but I realised my mistakes, just like you guys did."

Cody nodded his agreement. "Yeah, it's true. One never treasures what they have until it is much too late." He sighed mournfully.

I had recovered from my shock by then. "That's why we should do something about it." I stated firmly.

Two pairs of eyes questioned my intentions. "Like Cody pointed out, one never treasures what they have until it's too late. That is why we should educate our society about this. Teach them the lesson we learnt much too late so that they will never have to feel the guilt we are plagued with" I explained.

They contemplated my idea. Brittany was the first to speak.

"I agree with Christina."

"As do I" Cody agreed.

And so was the start of a new hope.

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