At first sight

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                      ~Background info~
*The crew has been looking for a place to stop at, so once they found an island, they all stoped and went to find a place to eat at. The crew was walking trying to find a place and Zoro had spotted a little restaurant, so as Zoro walked in he spotted you serving a group of people and Zoro just stopped breath taken from the sight of just seeing you*

Luffy- ''Hey Zoro why'd you stop?''
Sanji- '' Yah whats thé hold up?''
*Zoro snapped out of his day dream*
Zoro- ''Oh sorry about that''
*Luffy had picked a table for the crew to sit at*
Y/N- '' Hello ill be your waiter today, what would you like to start with water, soda, juice?''
*Zoro just stares at you as you talk not realizing it*
Y/N-'' Okay, would you like anything sir?''
*Y/N said looking straight into Zoro's eyes*
Zoro-'' oh crap umm, I'll just have one large beer''
Y/N- ''And one large beer for one large man''
*Y/N said giggling as he walked away, while Zoro turned red in the face*
Robin- ''Ooh dose the swordsman have a little crush on our waiter~''
Zoro- ''No, even though he's a pretty guy he's  still a guy...''
*Robin looked at Zoro knowing that he felt a little discomfort in what he said*
Sanji- ''Even if you did like men, nobody would want to date a heartless guy like you''
*Sanji said laughing at Zoro*
Zoro- ''Says thé playboy who can flirt with every girl but yet can't date anyone of them~''
*Sanji and Zoro both started arguing about who would actually date someone first*
Y/N- ''okay here are your guys drinks, have you guys decided what you wanted to eat?''
*Everyone orders their food except Zoro*
Y/N- '' did you want anything to eat big man?''
Zoro- '' U-uhh i-i ill have your shrimp Alfredo''
Y/N- ''Thats one of my favorite dishes :)''
Zoro- ''Then I guess I'll take your word for it Mr. Y/N~''
*You walk away as your face turned into a tomato looking back seeing Zoro eye you as you walk away*
Nami- '' Is it me or does it feel weird?''
Usopp- ''Yah no one has been scared of us?''
Luffy- ''Isn't that good? Were wanted criminals why would we want to be known look at how peaceful it is''
Sanji- '' This is the first time I've actually heard something smart come out of his mouth''
*Everyone starts to laugh*
Y/N- ''Okay here's all of your food if you need anything I'll just be at the counter :)''
*As everyone starts to eat, Sanji needed salt and pepper so he asked Luffy to go get it but Robin had cut Sanji off telling Zoro to go get the salt and peper*
Zoro- '' Why me!?! Sanji told Luffy to get it-''
*Robin had nodded her head towards you*
Robin- ''I mean if you don't want to-''
Zoro- ''No no ill go and get it!''
Sanji- ''Thats thé first time Ive ever seen Zoro actually offer to do something''
Nami- '' yeah you're right Sanji''
*Zoro had gotten up and started to walk up to the counter*
Zoro- ''H-hey''
Y/N- '' I was wondering when you were gonna talk to me ;)''
Zoro- '' haha very funny, anyways I need some-''
Y/N- '' Salt and pepper~''
Zoro- '' y-yeah, is my crew actually that loud?''
Y/N- ''hahha Yes but i don't mind, no one really comes here anyway''
Zoro- ''Really!?! The food is amazing!''
Y/N- ''Thanks! I make it myself I own the place and run it myself but some day I wanna leave this place and travel all around the world''
Zoro- '' You could come with us!- I mean I'll have to ask but I don't think they'll mind''
Y/N- ''I guess I'll wait till your captain accepts me, oh by the way how long are you staying here?''
Zoro- ''A week at most why?''
Y/N- '' Maybe we'll have to go out at night; come to my place once everyone's asleep I'll be here waiting for you ;)~''
Zoro- ''O-okay''
*Zoro grabs the salt and pepper and goes back to eating with the crew*
Y/N- ''How was the food to your liking?''
Luffy- ''REALLY GOOD''
Sanji- ''it's actually good most places don't taste this good''
Nami- ''Im glad we came to eat here :)''
Robin- ''It was very good thank you''
Y/N- ''Why thank you! And what about you big guy''
Zoro- ''I-it was very good I really enjoyed the meal maybe I'll come back for a bigger meal;)''
Y/N- ''oh well I'll definitely keep that in mind;)''
*As Nami pays you and they all leave you go to pick up the dishes by you hear someone come into the restaurant and see Zoro running up to you he grabs your head, caressing your cheek and kisses you passionately and as he gets to the front he waves and gives you a warm smile as he leaves the restaurant*

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