Meet up Pt.1

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~Background info~
*As the crew looks around the island for a little and the sun starts to set the crew starts to head back to the ship*
Luffy- ''Man I am sure tired''
Nami- ''I could say the same thing''
Usopp- ''Yah but look at Zoro''
*Luffy, Nami, and Usopp all look at Zoro seeing that he's smiling*
Nami- ''Ohh does Zoro like someone~''
Usopp- ''It looks Zoro is in love~''
Luffy- ''I wanna know who it is! Tell me! Tell me!''
Zoro- ''The nonsense that pops up in your guys head, also no I don't like anyone''
*Robin looks at Zoro knowing that he had a crush on you, Robin is just waiting to see if Zoro can actually admits it*
Robin- '' Oh really swordsman no one~''
*Zoro looks at Robin seeing her smirk*
Robin- '' You guys can go ahead of us I forgot my ring at the restaurant''
Sanji- ''Do you need someone to go with you Robin dear''
Robin- ''Zoro will accompany me but thanks Sanji''
Zoro- ''Maybe next time Sanji ;)''
*Sanji and Zoro both argue*
Robin- ''you coming or what swordsman''
Zoro- ''o-oh yeah coming''
*Then Robin and Zoro start to walk to the restaurant and for a while it was quiet, Robin had looked at Zoro seeing that he was nervous and happy at the same time*
Robin- ''Don't worry I won't tell the crew your little secret''
Zoro- ''I knew you known from the start''
Robin- ''It's really hard to keep secrets from me swordsman even your little date tonight''
Robin- ''I have ears''
*Zoro then turning bright red trying to hide his face''
Robin- ''Don't worry Zoro if you really like Y/N then shoot your shot and if you do want him in the crew then I'll help you''
Zoro- ''Thanks Robin I appreciate it''
*Then Robin and Zoro stop infront of the restaurant and hear someone coming to the doors*
Y/N- ''Is that you big guy''
Zoro- ''Yeah I came just like you said''
Y/N- ''Oh you brought a friend would she like to stay as well?''
Robin-''No I came to accompany him just in case he's in ''trouble''
*Zoro flushes*
Zoro- ''No she decided to come alongside''
Y/N- ''Hahha''
*Zoro looks at you as you start laughing making him smile and blush*
Robin- ''We'll I better get going, bye lover boy''
Zoro- ''I'll kill her some day''
Y/N- ''She seems like a good friend, anyways come inside''
*As you took Zoro upstairs to your room and sat down you could tell he was anxious and nervous*
Y/N- ''Would you like anything to eat Mr.Swordsman~''
Zoro- ''y-yeah I'll have a beer; wait do you want me to go get it?''
Y/N- ''Even though I'm not at strong as you I can still get something's for myself big guy~''
*As you walk off you can tell Zoro was flustered by what you said*
*Zoro*- I-I'm so nervous I can't even talk right, I can't even look him in the face without getting flustered*
Y/N- ''Im back! Here's a large beer for a large man ;)''
Zoro- ''T-thanks I appreciate it :)''
*As you guys drink and talk for hours you both start to say things to each other in a dirty manor*

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