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Molly: ...Mrs kat...uhh I have a question

Me: yes?

Molly: what exactly do you do around here

Me: Alot why

Molly: just curious how you do it alone

Me: I'm not alone I have my amazing bestie crew to help me so I'm not alone

Molly: hi this your puppy?

Lilly: ruff! * Tail wags*

Me; yes this is my puppy dragon her name is lilly I hold her squzze her and call her lilly ( hope y'all got the reference lol)

Molly: really ok

Me: ... talk to me kid what's wrong you've been awfully quite lately

Molly : I'm just missing my brother I guess....

Me: you really don't know you need em till their gone huh

Molly: yeah .... I've wanted to call him but I'm afraid he's busy... I'm nervous for him to meet my boy friend

Me: why?

Molly: even if we would fuss he's still protective of me ...and where Jamie is 15 and I'm 11 Andy is going to flip he'll super protective

Me: as he should he is your big brother it's his job to make sure you're safe

Molly: I guess......

Me: we'll call him if you want I bought know he's in his dorm...

Molly: yeah

Me; hello

Andy: hey uhh k kat right

Me: yeah that's me I got a little sister who wanted to hear her brother's voice

Andy: heh well I suppose I should speak with my little sister then

Me: here you go dear

Molly:... Andy?

Andy: hello molly everything ok I've only been gone 3 days

Molly: 3 days too many

Andy: a part of me figured that's how you'd see it... how's mom

Molly: she's ok....

Andy: what about you are you ok molly

Andy: molly what's wrong.... Tell me little sis

Molly: I just miss you being home

Andy: I miss being home but it won't be long I'll be home visiting you know

Molly: yeah.....

Andy: well it's almost lights out for me ...I love you little sister I'll talk to you tomorrow ok

Molly: y yeah you too..bye

Me: hangs up the phone* you alright dear

Molly: yeah I'm ok

Meanwhile on campus

Sid: ok dude what's with the face

Andy: nothing I'm fine

Sid; I know miss home I get it... you especially miss your mom and your little sister I see the puppy tears ..... what are you going to do when she starts dating

Andy: oh I don't have to worry about that she's not allowed to date till she's thirty

Sid: uh huh yeah right

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