chapter 1

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darius:hi raine

raine:hi ^^

eberwolf growls:i am glad that i not sing hehehe 😈

darius;i do

raine:i have not sing

darius:you ok

raine:yeah don't worry

darius:what wrong raine

raine cry:ok ok you know i and eda have break up


raine cry:and and


raine tell darius and eberwolf as raine and eda fight

darius:mother titan raine

darius hugs raine

darius:its ok raine

raine:thx darius

darius:ofc we are friends

raine:i think you and eber you are belos side

darius:ofc not 😑

eberwolf growls:darius think he is the only he know but you know too

darius:i am angry on you you had us ivinte

raine:awww ok fine
had you a plan


raine look message

darius:had eda you wiritng again

raine ingored that message

raine:yes hey can i now the bats see


darius and eberwolf raine teleport to the basis

derwin:hi darius eberwolf and hi raine 0__0 RAINE

katya and amber:raine

the batts hugs raine

derwin: we worried about you

raine:i am fine ^^
darius had me proetcs


katya:what is with eda

raine:oh ähm that tell i you

katya:oh my titan :0

katya take a book and pen

katya:tell :D

raine tell the bats with eda the fight have



derwin:i know you make worried and process eda raine
and you are us chapting

raine:heh thx ^^ ok always darius and eberwolf have a plan

katya:new name :D

darius:we have a name bard against the throne aka batts

amber:sorry old man you both no bard

darius:ok fine had you me just old man say

amber:maybe :D

darius –_–

next day

coven against the throne aka catsWhere stories live. Discover now