chapter 3

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eberwolf notice that someone us follow or spy

raine:hey eber what wrong

eberwolf growls:i smell a souts guard and he smell what he eat had
and :3 is steve

steve:heh hi ^^

raine:why follow you us

steve:i know you are the bats raine whispers


steve:you had the same outfit

darius:you had a other take raine

raine:shut up darius

steve:listen i help you ok

steve tell what happend is at hexside and steve had zirkel leave

raine:good come with

steve:waith min

steve go bike

eberwolf growls:he had a bike cool

as the basis

raine:we have a new ^^

derwin:hh fine 😑

raine:derwin why glad you not

derwin:why raine why have to i glad
say me 🥺

raine:ähm 0_0

darius:ok boy –_– let youre chapting go

derwin:sorr raine

raine:it's ok guys that is steve

steve:hi ^^

amber:oh you are mattholomule brother

and i knew you the fanticon girl

katya stand up and go to raine

katya:raine 🥺 that is he and the idiot i jail was

darius:mm ok

raine:ähm maybe sorry



katya go

derwin:ah ingored katya she had always bad day


derwin:i am derwin


derwin:niece meet you


derwin:i come back ok

derwin hugs darius eberwolf and raine

derwin:i love you

raine:aww have fun derwin

eberwolf growls:yeah :)
say what darius

darius:glad me to hear derwin but you broken my cape


derwin go back to steve

both boy talk always
the girls have not sleep

darius:katya amber

amber;say not more darius

katya:this boy

derwin:hey you had too so make remebre katy


amber:raine can i derwin hurt

raine:ähm no

amber:awww 🥺

katya:come amber 😑 we visted raine family
darius teleport you me and amber


darius teleport amber and katya

week later

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