chapter 4

4 0 0

raine and the other have eda and luz found and save

raine is very glad that eda ok is


lilith hugs eda

eda:glad me you ok

lilith:you too ^^
and thx raine


later meet the luz

later go the back basis

raine:so you want me say that you eda crused had


darius:oh my titan

lilith:i know
say raine say ok

raine:i..i am shocked but thx you us tell lily

lilith:raine can i with you alone talk plz

raine:ähm sure

both go outside

raine:so what want you me tell lilith

lilith:love you my sister always

raine 0///0:yes i love she always

lilith:my sister love you too that you know

raine:oh ok
listen we both have too wrong make

lilith:you had right raine

raine:come we go pure

eda:hey raine lily come here knew you this outfit

darius:oh no plz

eda:he had from alador

both:whaaaaaat :0

darius:nope –_–

raine lilith and eda eberwolf 😏

darius:stop look me –\\–

raine:gab darius

eda lilith raine eberwolf grab darius

darius:hey haha

luz derwin and katya hooty steve laugh

moths later
(belos is death and collector is away
king is back at eda
luz willow and gus hunter amity are back)

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