Root Beer and Pepsi

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Mulder walked out of the restaurant with his and Scully's drinks. He made his way to their car so that he could drive the rest of the way back to DC. He opened the door and handed Scully her Pepsi, "Thanks, Mulder." He nodded and smiled. As he got into the drivers seat, he took a sip of his Root Beer, and choked a bit.
"Holy shit- this is carbonated as hell-!"
Scully giggled at him. Mulder started the car and put his drink in the cupholder next to Scully's. "Alright, three more hours until we're back in DC.. Well I guess that depends on traffic, so give or take an hour or so." he told Scully.
"Mulder, I haven't gotten a chance to say good job for your work on this case. You did really good, even I didn't think it was Madison."
"Scully, I still don't think it was just Madison.. I feel like he had an accomplice."
"The killings stopped when we took him into custody, Mulder." she argued, "It's over, you solved it."
"Yes, but what if we were both right? What if Morgan James was part of this?" he countered. He took a few more sips of his drink, "I guess I'm just trying to figure out why Morgan wasn't taken into custody with Madison, the evidence was all there.. She could've been helping him."
"You do have a point, Mulder, but the evidence wasn't completely supportive of that theory."

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