Childhood friends and friends again

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"Oh my. Is that you, Nezuko ?"

"Yes, It's me, and is that you, Senjuro?"


"Nice to meet you, but your face seems familiar. have we met before?"

"Nice to meet you too, and you seem familiar too."  

Muichiro's POV:  

"Uh oh, What if they don't become friends? Well, that's going to be a problem." 

"Hey, I think we were childhood friends, Am I right?"

"Oh, is that so? let me think about it first."

"Alright, take your time."  

Nezuko's POV: 

"Oh wait, I think we were childhood friends. but the only sad part in our relationship is that he had to leave me, and I got sad."

"Okay, I'm gonna respond now." 

"Yes, you are actually right. we were childhood friends. however, you had to leave me so I think we weren't able to see each other again for a long time."

"So you are Miss Kamado ."

"Yes, I am."

"How did you guys know each other?"

"Duh, we were childhood friends. weren't you listening?"

"Sorry, I wasn't listening." 

Flashbacks from 7 years ago...

"Nezuko , will you marry me when we get older?"

"It depends. but for now, I'd say yes.

"Alright, meet you at school!"

"Okay, bye see ya!!"  

"There was this bully at my school who kept bullying me, No one came to save me. until Senjuro went to my school."


After Senjuro said that, the bully ran away.

Senjuro asked, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yes, I am."

"That's great to hear, but why does your brother not save you?"

"Oh, Kyojuro is kinda busy with his things to do."

"Alright, I'll try saving you from that stupid guy from now on."

"Thank you so much, Senjuro."

"Your welcome, Nezuko ."  

Senjuro always tries to protect me from the bully, He cared for me a lot. until that moment came. Snejuro didn't protect and didn't come to my school. I wondered what happened to him. I got really worried because, after a few days, He also didn't come. The next day, when I was on the way going to school, I finally saw him. I ran to talk to him, and he hugged me crying. 

"Nezuko , I can't believe I'm talking to you again after days past."

"I've missed you a lot"

"I missed you too."

"Nezuko , I have something to tell you." He sobbed.

"What is it?"Nezuko smiled.

"I believe that today is going to be the last day we will meet each other."

Nezuko cried as she answered, "I cannot believe you, you said that you will never leave me."

"But I have to go now."

"Is that so? I'm gonna miss you, really."

"I'll miss you too, but whenever we will meet again, let's get married."


"I don't think I have any time left to talk to you, this is really goodbye, Nezuko ."

"Goodbye Senjuro, I love you, and stay safe."

"I love you too, Senjuro." Senjuro leaves, while Nezuko , just continues her life without Senjuro.  

"So is that what really happened to you both? No wonder why Nezuko looks broken-hearted without you, Senjuro."

"Hey, I'm not broken-hearted!!"

"Well, I am happy to see Nezuko after 7 years have passed."

"Same here."

"Hey, why don't you 2 become friends again?"

"That's a great idea, Muichiro ."

"No, how about the 3 of us?"




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