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Corvis panted as sweat kept coming down like rain when he put his hands on his knees. Tatsu placed a hand on his hip.

"That's enough, you need to rest," he spoke. Corvis cracked his neck, getting into an offensive position.

"It's fine," he panted, "I can keep going,"

Tatsu narrowed his eyes. "Don't be ridiculous, we've been going at it for almost two hours. Your body can't take much more,"

"It can," he insisted. "And it will," With that, he charged forward, screaming as he pulled back his arm. Tatsu sighed as he merely stepped to the side, corvis stumbled forward as he lost his footing. Suddenly, the trainer felt a force at his stomach.

Saliva was spat out as Corvis looked down to see a knee. Another force was felt at the back of his neck, striking his nerves. He fell face flat to the ground. Fatigue causing his body to barely move. He looked to side and turned his eyes up, seeing Tatsu looking down.

"Take a break, I'll be back in awhile," he said as he lost consciousness.


"I didn't think you would have a home here in Lilycove as well," Sara commented as Fiona leaned back into the chair.

"You're speaking to the Princess of Hoenn, we have homes everywhere, we just don't announce it," she replied back. "But enough of that, how are you feeling,"

Sara gave a reassuring smile. "Really, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me,"

"Easy for you to say," she sighed. "It was because of me you got kidnapped in the first place," her face twisted in anger. "I swear if those monsters did anything to you...."

"They didn't, after all," Sara stared out of the window from the bed she was on, thinking about certain black-haired trainer "They saved me,"

"It's a shame that Calem left," Fiona leaned back into her chair. "I would've love to meet the infamous vigilante of Hoenn,"

Sara laughed as she stared out of the window, the sky shining down on the area, giving her a good view of Lilycove City. It had been 2 days ever since they escaped Team Aqua's base. The psychic Teleport they used was only strong enough to bring them to the nearest city, which meant Aqua Base could only be somewhere near Lilycove.

The King ordered a full scale search on the city, searching every nook and corner of the city to find the base but it was to no avail. Although it wasn't too suprising, knowing full well what happened in the base before they left. She remembered how shaken up Corvis was, he felt terrible.

He was angry at himself for not being able to match up with William.

Shivers were suddenly sent down her spine. Just the though of his name, she could not forget how much fear the man had brought on her. Since coming back, Corvis has done nothing but train his pokemon and himself. As for Kroger, or, Calem, which she found out, he left immediately after coming back, stating he had his own business to attend.

She remembered crying, seeing her friend's faces after the incident at Aqua base, how she was finally safe and sound. The moment she came back was also the moment her father's worries peaked. Countless of apologies from him for trusting that fool, although she never blamed him. And countless of arguing for her to return home.

She sighed as she remembered how hard she had to convinve her father to let her continue her journey. They got so far together, they couldn't stop now.

The man fooled him. All of them. And now a part of her was grateful that the monster was dead. At least, that's what she like to believe. But it was hard to believe any man surviving such a collapse.

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