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Leon's days were becoming somewhat standard routine. He would do his recite Greek with Annabeth, try to learn sword fighting, excel more and more in archery, learn to throw javelins, and finally swim. Leon was still confused as to what he was, but some order in his life was more than welcoming.

He managed to learn most of Homer, and was actually pleasantly surprised at how The Iliad was actually a fascinating read. He especially liked his archery class, where he was actually starting to outshoot the instructors in accuracy and firing speed. The head Apollo instructor said that he might as well teach the class, but Leon simply shrugged him off. What kind of teacher spends only a week learning his subject?

He still struggled with sword fighting. Clarisse and her "band of demons" from the Ares cabin still tore into him. Whenever they had a group class, he was paired to fight the best one there. Clarisse said that it would give him more motivation, but Leon did not feel so motivated. She would then tutor him for half an hour after class, attacking aggressively and without let-up. She would force him to the ground, knock the sword out of his hand, or give him cuts all over his body. Then one day, something peculiar happened.

They were about to start his tutoring when he noticed some long hunting knives on the rack behind Clarisse. He finally got the courage to walk away from Clarisse and pick up one of the blades. To his surprise, it felt so natural in his hands. To his dismay, Clarisse spotted him and took the other.

"Well, if you want to try knife fighting, I guess we can try that out. Let's see if you handle knives as badly as you do swords!" Then she attacked.

Leon did not believe what was happening. The knife felt so different then the sword. Lighter, and swifter, and he had no problem countering Clarisse's attacks. She would slash at him, and he would swiftly side-step. She would try to stab at his gut, and he would be able to use his knife to deflect hers. They continued for a time, until Clarisse decided to try something new again.

She handed him the other knife. Both of them had a blade about a foot long. Then she took her sword out again. Leon kind of thought this was going to happen…

She attacked with her sword. Leon blocked with one knife, while slashing out with the other. He managed to give a knick to the ribs before she broke off. She then went berserk, attacking with her sword with the intensity of a hungry lion. And Leon would block and counter her, using one blade to block, with the other to counterattack. Clarisse gasped for air, bleeding slightly from several cuts to her body.

"Well punk," She said in what actually sounded like grudging respect. "You seemed to have found what close range weapon you are actually good with."

Leon felt a surge of power in him. Clarisse actually commented him. He made a move to return the knives. But Clarisse held out a hand and stopped him.

"Just take them. They actually belonged to me anyway."

Leon ginned and left, Clarisse actually smiling slightly as he walked off.

"Who is your parent, punk?" She wondered out loud…

Leon spent another archery period stunning everyone with his skills. He had been here for only a week, and he was easily able to bulls-eye the target from the maximum distance. The instructor just grinned and shook his head.

"I think I have found a replacement archery instructor for when I leave," He said to himself.

During Javelin class, he was still somewhat random. He could hit the target when he focused and had perfect form, but when he was slightly off, he would miss it, or just barely nick it. The instructor was still very understanding, and told him that once he was done with his last class to come over and spend some time practicing javelins.

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