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He ran into his apartment, gun drawn, where he saw her. "Scully-? Scully, are you..." He bent down next to her. She wasn't moving. He fell onto his hands and knees, she can't die, not now! He grasped his knees and pulled them to his chest and began to sob.
"Scully, Scully, please! You have to wake up!!" he begged.
But she wasn't dead, her eyes had opened and she gasped for air. It was just his thoughts, they were taking over. He saw her motionless, bleeding, on the ground. She was dead..
"Mulder! Mulder, come on sweetheart, come back to me.." Scully asked softly.
Mulder blinked away his tears. There she was, she was okay.
"You're okay? You're okay," he realised, "Oh Scully, I'm sorry!! I came back up here, I heard a gunshot.."
"Mulder, yes, I fired my gun. You were right, the.. the psychic surgeon, he was here." Scully told him quietly.
"Are you okay?? Did he hurt you?" Mulder asked in concern.
"I will be.. How about you, are you okay?"
"Yes, I came up here and you- You weren't moving, and there was.. there was blood, so much blood, it was all over you," he gasped those last few words out, "Scully?? I- No!!" He grabbed his ears and began crying again.
"Mulder, it's okay, it's over, I'm okay.." she hugged him, "Look, I'm here. I'm alright."
Mulder gasped for air, "It happened all over again, Scully! Please, I can't lose you, I need you!! I love you, please don't leave me.." he cried out.
"Never, Mulder. I could never leave you. I love you too." The agents tightened their embrace.

The End <3

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