Senoir night

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Plot: Lucas wins the football championship game for Hawkins high after they haven't won in a decade.

Sometime between freshman and sophomore year, Max's boyfriend who was once tiny and lanky, was muscular and tall. Lucas had never taken interest in sports before high school, but his father pushed him into them. Now they were seventeen and eighteen, and seniors in high school.

Lucas was slightly nervous because it was the big championship game for Hawkins high football. Lucas was lucky enough to join the varsity team in the the tenth grade so he always felt the need to prove her was good.

Max loved watching Lucas play sports, thought he was forced to play freshman year he loved the game. Max had a jersey with Lucas number on it along with his last name.

"Ready?" Max asked walking into her boyfriends room.

He smiled turning around and n his desk chair, "Yes, but I was supposed to pick you up." She red head sat on his bed facing her boyfriend.

"Well, I got a new skate board yesterday and I wanted to try it out." She shrugged, "Guess what!" 

Lucas laughed at her excitement, "What?" He grabbed his jacket and Max's hand walking out his house.

"Will and El made it down to watch you." She told him, making him smile wide. They couple walked into the school and stopped in front of the boys dressing room.

"Your going to do great, Lucas. Don't forget to run as fast as you can, okay? And be careful!" The couple kiss, "I'll see you out on the field. I love you."

"I love you more, Madmax." She laughed at the boy before walking to to find her friends.

"El!" She shouted hugging her best friend tightly then hugging will. Soon enough the game started and the boys ran out.

"Lucas! Lucas!" The Max and the rest of the party shouted.

The ripped the paper banner than ran threw and started cheering.

"Welcome to Hawkins high championship football game! Tonight we will lay against our rivals. Our star players, Patrick McKinney, Tyler camp and Lucas Sinclair! Good luck to are boys!" The intercom went off.

The first three quarters flew by. Lucas as doing amazing as always, he has made two touch downs. Max was so proud of him. The other team was only behind my a couple points, they were good but Hawkins was better.

Lucas had noticed how good the opposing team was and it made him nervous. He looked in the stands to find his girl. When their eyes inter locked she gave him a nod while mouthing 'you got this' Lucas gave her a nod back and tan back on the field.

"This game is going to make me shit myself." Dustin says with his hands in his hair.

"Quite the nail bitter." Will said.

"Lover boy's got it." Steve said, "The kids a beast."

"I second that." Max said, keeping her eye on Lucas.

The quarter back throws the back and Lucas catches it.

"Heck ya!" Dustin shouts.

The boy ran as fast as he could.

"Go! Go, Lucas!" Max shouted, standing up and clapping her hands. She jumps up and down, "You got this, baby!"

The sound of his girlfriend cheering him only made him run faster. Up ahead was another defender, he was easily about six foot.

"That's one big kid." Robin said calmly.

"Lucas can take 'em. I'm sure of it." Nancy replied, intertwining her fingers with Jonathan's.

"Can he?" Erica asked.

Lucas knew what he had to do, he had to trick the boy. Lucas started running left causing the boy to chase him, but paused before running right.

"Atta Boy!" Steve shouted like a proud mother.

Mike checked the tower where the score bored was, "Twenty seconds left." He said.

El stood up, "Go Lucas! Run, run." She screamed causing the rest of the group to stand up and scream too.

"That's my brother!" Erica shouted, but a minute ago she was doubting him.

With five seconds left Lucas makes the touch down. The buzzer goes off.

"Oh my gosh! What a game, but congratulations to Hawkins high. Star player, Lucas Sinclair made the winning touch down!" The person on the internet com announces.

"Yes!" Max shouts running out the field. She ran to Lucas who held his held his helmet in his right hand and caught max with his left who jumped in his arms.

"You were amazing!" She smiled wrapping her legs around his waist, placing a kiss on his lips.

"Couldn't have done it without you guys." He said, placing her down.

The party ran onto the field to congratulate Lucas.

"You were amazing!" Mike said.

"It was so intense I almost shit myself!" Dustin told his friend, shaking his shoulders.

"Proud of you, Sinclair." Steve said shaking his shoulders.

"You may be a shitty brother, but you did that." Erica said, "Just the facts."

Lucas gave his sister a smile, "Thank you."

He gave El and Will a hug.

"I say we celebrate at mine? Like the old days." Mike suggests.

"Yes, but last one there has to buy the pizza!" Dustin shouted.

This made the kids run away, Lucas quickly grabbed his stuff before driving off. He would take his shower at Mike's.

Who bought the pizza? Dustin himself did, slow poke.

*** I like this one I think!

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