Stupidly Crazy

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Max had been very distant due to the death of billy. This is the second week in a row she hasn't been to school.

"Aww, red dumped you already?" Lucas heard from behind, "Doesn't surprise me." Troy followed the boys with his friends.

Lucas didn't fire back, but instead rolled his eyes not looking at the bully's. He knew would do something he regretted if he looked behind him.

"She's honestly being pathetic, I mean her brother died almost a month ago. She needs to let it go." Troy hums, really wanting to get under Lucas skin.

"Go away." Lucas said through gritted teeth.

"Wasn't he abusive to her? I've seen her come to school with bruises." One of Troys friends named James added.

"Yeah, and she's a bitch. Her attitude is not it. She's being a baby over her brother dieing." Troy said.

This sent Lucas over the edge, Max wasn't a bitch. One thing led to another as Lucas lunged at Troy, making him fall to the ground.

He had gotten one golf hit at Lucas before Lucas had hit him repeatedly.

"Don't talk about her like that again! You have no idea of the shit she's been through." Lucas had said. hitting Troy in the face.

"Lucas stop it, a teachers coming!" Dustin squealed.

Lucas was to far gone protecting his girl. No one would talk about her like that especially in front of him.

Lucas was pulled off by a teacher. Troy was on the ground, bloody nose and all. Lucas was sent home and was suspended for a week.

"I'm disappointed with you, son." His dad said, looking through the rear view mirror.

Lucas didn't respond, he just sat in the back seat angrily letting his angry tears fall.


"I just don't know what to do, Eleven." Max complained to El over the phone.

"Do you miss the boys? Or more importantly Lucas?" Eleven asked.

Max shrugged but remember Eleven couldn't see her, "Yes, I think. I don't know how to explain it but I miss them." She said.

"Then talk to them.." Eleven side tracked, "Speaking of Lucas did you hear about the fight?"

"Fight?" Max sat straight up.

"Yeah, Lucas and Troy got into a fight. Mike said Lucas won." Eleven said.

"Why? What happened?" Max questioned.

"Yeah! Mike said Troy had said some things about you, and Lucas wasn't having it." Eleven explained.

"I- I gotta go, El. Love you bye!" Max exclaimed into the phone call.

Max hung up before running into the living room, "Mom, I'm going out." She swung the front door open before skating down the street.


Lucas was grounded, but he had to see Max. He needed to tell her how he felt, he missed her dearly. As quietly as he could, he opened his window and slides out.

"Sorry mom." He mumbles before hoping onto his bike, peddling as fast as he could. Soon rain starts falling, hard.

"Shit, shit, shit." He curses. He began peddling faster beofre he saw her figure in the distance. "Max!" He yelled, jumping off her bike to run to the girl.

She turned around to him running to her. She ran toward him, each colliding in each other's arms. These two weren't ones to show compassion or anything Eleven and Mike did, but here right now, they did.

They shared a long, passionate kiss before breaking away resting their foreheads together. Max got teary eyed as she spoke up.

"Lucas, I'm so sorrry. I did-didn't mean to do this. I didn't mean any of it, I just.." she trailed off, "It's like when he died.." She couldn't finish, it hurt to much.

Lucas shook his head, putting his hands on her face, cupping her freckles cheeks, "Don't be sorry, none of this was your fault, Max. Your grieving, take your time. I'm sorry I wasn't there." He told her softly.

She stood there looking into his eyes, "It's not your fault. I disappeared." She said.

"No, No." He shook his head, "You didn't. I just didn't look hard enough, okay? But I see you now, I see you. And I'm sorry I wasn't there." He says, causing more tears to form in her eyes.

He pulls her into a hug, shielding her from the rain, but suddenly Max pushed him back, grabbing his face into her hands.

"Eleven told me about you fight. Are you hurt?" She asked.

"I'm fine." He said, smiling a tad.

"Your so stupidly crazy, Stalker." She had, grabbing his hand as they walked to his bike, they walked in the direction on Lucas' house.

"Only stupidly crazy about you, MadMax." He said.

*** Okay! Took me forever to write that, but here it is!!

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