S1, EP 2: A Loss And a Gain

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Y/n saw the others bust in her room, she watched Bakugo blow up that mysterious device, and she saw them talk to her, but she heard nothing but indistinct yelling. She could feel herself breathing, her chest rising, most of all; the blood on her fingers. That's all she could see, "I'm bleeding..." she muttered to herself. Someone then grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to look up at the blonde. She could only make out a single word. "Case!" He yelled.

Case? The Case! She thought and stood up, running to the broken window. "He took the case!" Bakugo yelled again, asking who the person was, but to his annoyance she did not answer as she was scanning the area for clues. Only then did she realize that she was seriously injured, when she turned around and stared down at the blood stains she left behind.

"What happened?!" Midoriya asked, pushing his way through the crowd, however Kirishima put his hand out to stop him. "I-I can't hear anything, and I-I failed to protect the case." The others moved out of the way as she walked past, into the hallway. Midoriya dropped his bags to go follow her, yelling her name but to his dismay got no answer.

Y/n headed down to the kitchen in search for a first aid kit, she let the other's use hers, as she never thought she needed it. But now, she really needed it. Blood kept gushing out her right ear, and her left forearm kept sparking from the charger breaking in use, she pulled out the cord and threw it in the trash.

She jumped when she felt a tap on her shoulder. "You know you can't touch me Midoriya, I need to get this fixed." It seemed he ignored her warning this time, and instead gently grabbed both of her forearms, and that shocked her, literally too.

"It really doesn't hurt," he said, rubbing his thumbs over her metal parts. Even though the sparks got more aggressive, he held onto her arms. She saw the blue sparks lighting up in his green eyes, she knew she could never stay mad at him for long, she exhaled then he started talking, she leaned in closer, then stopped when Izuku flinched and snapped his head back, Aizawa was here.

Well it's not the first but I sure hope it's the last. She thought as Aizawa gestured for Midoriya to leave and he did so. "Oh dear, you're really bleeding!" Recovery girl kissed Y/n's cheek and began to wrap up her sparking forearm, Recovery Girl and Aizawa exchanged rather worried looks while Y/n blankly stared at the wall. They feared one thing; that whoever created the device that blew her eardrums out, also created the device that could take quirks. With it gone, he knew that Present Mic and the others were never getting their quirk back.

~Day Before Graduation~

Unfortunately for Y/n, Graduation was approaching fast, and the closer it got, the more she pushed the others away. She would train for hours on end with her headphones in, ignoring the people who cared about her even her best friend, Mina. If someone got in her circle of fire, they could seriously get hurt, if not careful. She was training herself to fight without her quirk, without noise, with too much noise, with no sight or impaired sight. The others couldn't blame her, but she was over-doing it a little.

To feel tired, that was foreign to her. But she was able to burn herself out, the same way any person could. This didn't stop her from training. She was technically a Cyborg of nature, nothing could stop her.

"Y/N!!!" Someone yelled so loud that she paused right where she was and didn't move. Her fist up in the air as she turned her head to face the cause of the loud noise.

"That is enough training." Aizawa said coldly as he walked up to her. Y/n fixed her stance and stood tall, before kneeling down in front of him. "I'm sorry sensei." She said quietly. Aizawa placed his hand on her shoulder. "Stand up." he said gently and she did as he told her to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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