-Chapter 1-

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Family Video


Robin made herself breakfast as usual, her favorite cereal, Reese's puffs. Plain simple and easy. She ate whilst checking the clock, making sure she kept track of the time as she was working today. She then put her bowl in the sink and yelled to her mom.

"Mom! I'm headed to work!"

No response, as if she could care. Her mom was normally like this. She walked out the door and started to walk off towards work. She thought to herself, hopefully Steve isn't late for work today.


Steve awoke, yawning and stretching. He looked at the alarm clock on his bed-side table.


He yelled, rolling off the bed as he fumbled to put on pants and a shirt. Why'd he always have to hit snooze on his alarm when he was working?! He looked at himself in the mirror, using Farrah Fawcett spray as he styled his hair. He ran a comb through his hair until it looked perfect. He ran down the stairs, quickly made himself toast. He shoved the piece of toast in his mouth, hurriedly putting on his shoes. He then grabbed his keys off the table near the door. He ran to his car, turned the keys in the keyhole of his car and accelerated as he sped off to Family Video.


Robin looked at her watch impatiently, she had already opened the store and Steve was running late by fifteen whole minutes. Okay, maybe it was more like ten but it didn't matter! Steve was late! Finally she heard the bell jingle and saw Steve as he started to apologize.

"Robin- I'm so sorry! My alarm clock was on snooze and-"

"Whatever doesn't matter as long as your here now."

She had said annoyed of his excuses, then she looked over to Steve's hair and scoffed.

"Your hair's flat."

He looked at her in a panic.


"Yep, you better fix that."

She had muttered as she saw Steve run to the back. 

Steve picked up a pocket mirror, looking at himself in it. What was Robin talking about? He looked just fine. He walked back over to the counter, looking at her with a glare. She smirked mischievously at him, happy with her little prank.

"Wow, rude."

Steve had mumbled, fake-pouting at her playfully. 

"Not my fault you're a dingus!"

She had exclaimed, lifting her hands up in defense. The door then jingled and they exchanged confused looks. The Family Video was never that busy so having clients could be rare.


A girl with her hair black hair neatly put up and confidently walked into the store with a strut. She had pearl earrings and a pink top with the funky design of blue stars and red hearts on it. It tied up perfectly with her style though, given she was quite the sassy one.


The two had said, almost in synch.

The girl looked at them both with a disgusted glare.

"What are you looking at hairy jungle and weird ass speech woman? It's not every day I grace you pathetic nerds with my presence and I tend to keep it that way. Where's the My Little Pony movies."

Both Robin and Steve stood mouth agape, deeply offended. 

"Shut your traps and show me where the My Little Pony movies are!"

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