-Chapter 4-

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Nancy's House


The car was in the driveway near the Wheeler's house, Eddie and Robin looked at the house surprised. They hadn't seen it before so it was interesting to them especially since it was quite big, not nearly as big as Steve's but still quite big. They peered at the house through the car's windows before opening the car's doors to walk out. Now outside they could fully take in the view, it seemed nice and cozy. Nancy indicated them to follow her as she unlocked the front door to let them in. They followed in pursuit, entering the welcoming house. Nancy did a quick touring of the house in order to show her new guests where to go if they needed to go to find the bathroom or to find food. Steve had the movie in hand as he went over to the living room. Nancy then told them.

"I'm going to make some popcorn and bring some drinks."

Robin allowed herself to speak to the other girl, saying.

"I'll come along, to help bring the stuff back."


Nancy grabbed two packs of popcorn along with two bowls. Robin grabbed a couple beers out the fridge as Nancy put the popcorn into the microwave. The popcorn popping was to be heard in the background as they both looked into one another's eyes. Robin subtly grabbed Nancy's hand, looking at her with a questioning glance. Nancy took the hint and nodded to indicate she was okay with it. The two smiled at one another. Soon, the microwave beeped, interrupting the comfortable silence they were in. Nancy opened the microwave and poured the popcorn into two separate bowls, momentarily putting her hand away from Robin's. Once she finished doing so, they both brought the drinks and bowls to the others. They came back to see Eddie and Steve patiently waiting sitting next to one another, the menu of the movie displayed on the tv screen. Once the snacks and drinks were placed onto the coffee table, Nancy went back to holding Robin's hand and Steve clicked play for the movie to start.


They each sat on separate couches, Robin and Nancy were on the one couch, Steve and Eddie on the other. Nancy and Robin's faces flushed pink as Eddie saw that they were holding hands, he just kept quiet not saying anything as he averted his focus back to the movie. Nancy then grabbed a bowl of popcorn and two of the drinks, one for her and one for Robin. As they watched the show, they both went for a handful of popcorn at the same time, hands brushing.

The movie's music began to intensify, meaning a jump scare would soon appear. Steve's eyes widened despite knowing what was coming, then the screen turned back for a split second and a jump scare appeared. Steve jumped and shrieked, he then turned beet red when he realized he was the only one who had screamed. He put a hand over his mouth, Eddie turned to look at him with a mocking grin.

"You afraid Stevie boy?"

"Shut up."

Steve had mumbled, embarrassed. Even if he tried to act as if he was unaffected, he was still shaking. Eddie then grabbed his hand, rubbing circles on it. Steve then allowed himself to be comforted by the boy, he felt relaxed now. He slowly approached the long-haired boy, shuffling near him. After a while, he allowed himself to rest his head in the crook of the other boy's neck. Eddie smiled contently, patting Steve's head. Eddie couldn't help but admire him, he looked so peaceful and cute rested against him. He blushed a bit as he took a handful of popcorn, shovelling it into his mouth. Then he took a sip from his beer. Steve snuck a sip from his drink as well, while still resting against Eddie.

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