-Chapter 6-

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The sun shone through the trees nearby, leaving streaked patterns across their bodies. The sun flashed in their eyes, causing each one of them to wake up. Steve yawned and Eddie stretched. Robin got to her feet immediately and blurted out.

"I could really go for a Benny's Burger breakfast."

Nancy nodded, second to get to her feet, followed by Eddie. Then lastly, Steve got up.

They hiked back down, birds started to chirp as they awoke. The sky was a mix of orange and light pinks as it was early morning. Once they arrived to the car, Steve unlocked it and they were on their way to Benny's Burgers.


Steve parked his car near a baby blue Ford Thunderbird, turning his keys to take them out the car and slipped them in his pocket. He opened the back door for both Robin and Nancy.

"Ladies first."

Robin looked at him with a disgusted look which caused him to laugh. Then Eddie walked out of the passenger seat and looked to Steve before saying.

"Should I be offended Stevie?"

"Of course not."

Steve had replied matter-of-factly with a cocky grin smeared across his face. Robin fake-gagged, earning a tiny giggle from Nancy. Nancy opened the door to the diner, keeping it open earning some thank yous from the others as they walked in. They chose a booth near a window, sitting one across the other, Steve and Robin sat on the same side and Nancy was sitting beside Eddie. It was so Nancy could face Robin and so Steve could face Eddie. The lesbian slipped her hand into Nancy's under the table, if anything happened it would be easy to explain.

Then the waitress, a blonde chick with red lipstick, came to give them their menus then left to wait for them to choose. Eddie was playing with his menu using it as a hat while the rest were more serious and actually considering their options on what to eat. Finally Eddie removed his 'hat' and decided to choose something for breakfast. The blonde waitress came back and greeted them with an apparent fake smile.

"So, have you guys decided what you want?"

She was slowly inching closer to them, the smell of her cherry perfume filling the air.

Steve was the first to speak up, telling her what he wanted.

"I'll have coffee with eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast please."

She had nodded, writing this down in her notebook.

Nancy was the next to speak.

"I would like a coffee as well and some crepes with a side of fruits."

Eddie then spoke after her, speaking with the waitress.

"I'd like orange juice with a breakfast wrap."

He then pointed out which one on the menu so she would know.

Robin was the last to order, she stuttered a bit, socially awkward.

"I-I'd like the uh, pancakes please with some orange juice as well."

The waitress nodded then headed off to the kitchen in order to tell the cooks what to cook.
Steve looked at Robin with a teasing glance but didn't say anything, taking pity on her and decided not to make fun of her in front of Nance. Soon the waitress arrived back with their food and handed their meals to each one of them individually. Then she left to let them eat. They all started to dig in, it was pretty good. Once finished, they stacked their plates so it would be easier for the waitress to bring them. Then the waitress appeared once again, and unsurprisingly, they made Steve pay. Then as they were leaving they saw a familiar girl at the counter of the restaurant with her friend Tina. She was drinking a milkshake and Eddie couldn't help but say.

"A milkshake this early?"

Then the girl snapped back.

"What you expect me to drink a coffee? That shit is nasty, and milkshakes are way better anyways."

Her friend Tina stuck her tongue out at them as they left. Before they had completely gone, Robin saw Tina and Erica high-fiving in the corner of her eye.


Eddie had offered his place to go to next.

"We can go to mine to hang out if you guys would like, I mean, my uncle's working so we wouldn't have to worry about him."

"Yeah sure!"

Declared Robin, setting in stone the fact that they were going over to Eddie's.

So they all hopped into the car as usual and drove off to the trailer park. The only reason Steve knew the way was because Max lived there as well.

Soon they pulled up to the front of the trailer, getting out of the car, it looked cozy, not fancy but cozy. Eddie opened the front door, telling them to come in with a wave of his hand. They complied, following behind Eddie. Eddie did a quick tour of the house but there wasn't many rooms so it didn't take too long. Then they settled in the living room. The guitarist studied them quietly before asking semi-carefully.

"Do you guys do drugs..?"

There was a quietness to the room until Robin interrupted it.

"I mean, normally no but I'd do it."

She had said all too confidently.

Nancy and Steve looked at each other. Then Steve spoke up and said.

"I'll babysit, but maybe next time."

Nancy nodded then quickly said.

"Yeah I'll babysit too."

Eddie pulled out some drugs and handed it to Robin then took some himself. Robin took hers, re-imagining the time both her and Steve had been drugged by the Russians. The only difference is that this time she actually consented to it. It didn't take long for the drugs to hit them both, Steve could tell by the way Robin kept glancing at Nance. Eddie was definitely also more affectionate. They decided to watch a chill movie which was more for the background especially with the fact everyone was slightly distracted. They were on the sofa, the two who had consumed drugs were more affectionate and clingy. Eddie's arm was over Steve's shoulder and Robin's hand was on Nancy's thigh, rubbing circles on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2022 ⏰

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