confession (finney, GN!reader)

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Warning: swearing

Finney had came over to my place to help me out with maths because I had no absolute clue on what the fuck I was doing. All through out the night Finney would stop talking and be staring at me but not in a creepy way but with.. how do I explain it like.. lovey dovey would probably be the best to describe it. Id have to snap out of it everytime.
After a couple more times of him doing that I spoke up "Finney whats up with you tonight? You seem.. kinda out of it" it took him a moment to respond "If I tell you why can you promise you wont.. leave me" That makes me a little worried "I promise I wont leave you just tell me"
"I like you.. more then a friend way and I have been feeling this way for months now m-maybe a year now but I was afraid to tell you because I was afraid you wouldnt like me back but here I am telling you" he looks down at his hands and starts to fidget with them.
I place my hand on his leg and looks up at me "you don't have to be worried if I like you or because I do"  once I said that Finneys face went from looking worried to smiley "really..?!" He sounded exicted like how a little kid would "Yes I really do!" If I'm being honest here I really truely liked Finney he was always so sweet and kind to me and you know after awhile of him just being there as a good friend thats when I started to see him as more. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Finney tackling me into a hug. We both start laughing "so does this mean we're... dating?!" I ask sound like a child "Yes! But only if you want to!" Almost everytime Finney asks something he always says 'only if you want to' he's very big on consent "Yes I'd love to!!" At this point I dont know if this is possible but his smile becomes wider. He has his arms wrapped around my waist with him looking up at me with just a small space between our faces. After a small while of just us looking into each others eyes he fills the gap between us with him pressing his lips against mine. I lean into the kiss after a moment of realizing whats going on. After about thirty seconds he pulls away "woah" is all he says as he looks at me with wide eyes. Moments later both him and I become giggly messes. Best night ever.

Requested by hearts4mason (if you want me to un @ you i will :)) i became sick as all fuck but by miracle i got so much better and was able to get this story out >:) HWIDNSIENDU

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