Baseball Team(Bruce, M!reader)

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Just gonna put it out there I know jack shit ahout baseball so I'm throwing shit outta my ass 💀
Apparently(CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG) each baseball team as 13 pitchers so M!Y/n is another pitcher :))
No. Never mind not 13 . I feel stupid 😭

Finn and I had a baseball game so we decided to walk there together. We played on the same team and thats how we became close friends. "Well guess who were playing against" Finney says out of no where
"Who?" "Bruce Yamada and his team" Finney has a small smirk on his face. He knew and has known for a while that I've had a BIG crush on Bruce for ages. "Wait, are you serious?" I ask a little bit in panic "Yes I'm serious" Finney giggles at the end "Oh, my god I woke up looking like a corpse, my hair didn't wanna work with me even though I'm a hat, and in a overall I look horrible!!" I pretty much yell. Finney starts to laugh his ass off "Finney it's not funny!!" I once again yell. Once we arrive there there was only a few of our team members there because Finn decided it would be a great idea to get there super early but now that I know who we're playing against I understand his plan. We both stood off to the side so I could freak out some more about Bruce.
The rest of our team arrived not much later and so did the other team. I instantly spotted Bruce and I couldn't bring my eyes away from him. He turned his view from his team to me for a moment and I quickly looked away. I could feel my face turn bright red I brought a hand up to my face to try and hide my cheeks. I wasn't even looking at Finn but I could basically hear his smirk. He started to giggle "Finney, shut the fuck up I swear to god" I whisper to him to make sure our team (or anyone) doesn't hear us.
There are a couple of pitchers on our team me and Finney and one other kid. When the game started and there was a giant ass crowd I was first up pitching against Bruce. Holy fucken shit.


Once the game ended me and my team had won. We all had gone over to where we put our stuff and started to pack up. Once all our stuff was packed away everyone started heading home. Me and Finney started heading home when I realised I had forgotten something to started to head to get it. I had gotten it and put it in my bag and started to head back to Finney. I was running because I didn't wanna leave Finney waiting. I crashed into someone and the both of us had fallen into the ground. I started apologising while panicking cause my stuff was everywhere "don't worry about it are you alright?" I realised it was Bruce's voice. I fucked up. I started shoving my stuff back into my bag "yeah! Don't worry" I stood up and saw Bruce had a small smile "I was just coming around to say that you played well" "You really think that?" I was kinda surprised he said that "Really I do. Not many teams are able to beat mine" he still had that small smile on his face "I'm impressed" he sounded genuine "I- well- thank you!" My voice was laced with happiness but I tried to keep my cool. "Well I was wondering darling if you would care to go on a date with me Friday? Only if that's okay with you sweetheart" I was stunned. My face flushed with a bright pink "Of course I'd love to!" Now anyone could hear the happiness in my voice "Great!" My bag was still on the ground and open. In there I had a book with a pen attached to it. He grabbed the book and opened to the back of it, took
the pen, and wrote his number in it "I'll phone you the place" my face turned a deep red. "Uh- yeah sure!" I finally mustered out "Alright, see you Friday, sweetheart" he said as he walked off. Finney walked around the corner with his mouth wide open and wide eyes. "You?! Bruce!? A date!! Really??!!" He yelled so loud "shut the fuck up! And yes we are" I said with a proud smile. I can't wait for Friday


Requested by - urmommabfs

Eat this up because that about of HOURS I took actually trying to learn the game of baseball

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